How to Solve Problems in Product Design

Similoluwa Adelore
Advent Tech
Published in
3 min readMay 3, 2019
Photo: Engineering: The Art of Problem Solving

The first step to product thinking like Nikkel Blasse calls it is problem-solving. One main reason businesses and startups fail is their inability to truly identify the needs of their intended users. This is why a thorough understanding of the questions “Who is your customer? What are their problems? How are they currently solving those problems? Is the problem we identified worth solving?” is very critical to a product’s design and development.

But first what is Problem Solving really?

Many would define it as the process of finding a solution which is true but it doesn’t well capture all the dynamics of the problem-solving process. Problem-solving is the act of defining a problem, determining the cause of the problem, identifying, prioritizing and selecting alternatives for a solution, and implementing a solution.

At the end of a problem-solving process, you must be able to clearly outline the following:

  • your target customers
  • the problem you are trying to solve
  • show that you have a clear understanding and validation of who your end user is
  • what solution or alternatives best suits their needs

It is a process of testing and validating alternate solutions until you hit the bull’s eye.

The process of problem-solving:

“Every problem has a solution. You just need to be creative enough to find it”. Travis Kalanick.

Define the problem:

The first step in this process is to identify the issue/ problem your user would like to solve because that’s the reason they would buy your product. Whatever solutions would be built for a user must be driven by a real problem or else there would be no market for it.

You need to decide what you want to achieve and write it down, check well to ensure its not merely a side issue or symptom of the real problem

Understand your User:

Knowing your user is a crucial step in problem-solving, the best solutions are made when their interests are put first. This step would require you engaging your users to know what alternatives they have used to solve this problem over time if solving the problem is a value to them, what methods they would prefer, at what cost e.t.c After this process, it would be wise to go back to check the validity of the problem you have identified.

Generate Alternative Solutions:

This is a brainstorming stage, you should generate as many ideas without evaluating them. Think far and wide, do not limit your mind on the possible solutions to solve the identified problem and no idea should be judged wrong yet.

Select a solution and Implement:

Analyze each idea in the interest of the intended users investigating the various factors about each of the potential solution. At this stage, you are critically looking into all the ideas/potential solutions you have gathered to decide which ones to keep and which ones to disregard. At the end of this stage, you should either come up with one, many or no viable solutions. In the case where there are no solutions, you need to go back to generate more alternative solutions or re-evaluate the problem you have defined. When a solution is selected the implementation phase should commence.

Effective problem solving many times involves a lot of time, attention and a good amount of research. It is not an innate skill, it is developed over time with practice. Some of the skills required for problem-solving include active listening, analysis,research,decision making, good communication, creativity, team-work, and a passion for people. A good problem solver is interested in people and works towards making life better and easier for people in the best ways they can.

Author: Similoluwa Adelore | Editor: Yewande Odumosu

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