“Study strategy over the years and achieve the spirit of the warrior. Today is victory over yourself of yesterday; tomorrow is your victory over lesser men.” -Miyamoto Musashi

9 Career Lessons From A Samurai

Career Lessons from the swordsman Miyamoto Musashi.

3 min readApr 8, 2015


Miyamoto Musashi is considered one of the greatest swordsmen and strategist in Japanese history. Legends of his duels along his journey throughout Japan and within himself as he slayed over 60 men in addition to discovering “The Way”. This philosophy or “Way” of approaching strategy and life is as valuable in the battle field as it is in the boardroom.

“Do nothing which is of no use”

In his memoir “The Five Rings”, Musashi provides 9 valuable lessons that he used to discover the Way. These nine steps provide a simple strategy to achieving your goal. Whether you are looking to take your career to the next level or looking for a new challenge these philosophies hold true.

“Think lightly of yourself and deeply of the world”

  1. Do not think dishonestly
    Choose to think truthfully. There are often times when you are lying to yourself, but in order to discover the Way do not think dishonestly.

2. The Way is in training
Everyone is looking for a quick fix. Only through training and practice can you become a master at your craft. Musashi is a firm believer of the 10,000 hour to mastery.

3. Become acquainted with every art
Long before the UFC or MMA, Musashi studied several different schools of martial arts in addition to writing and calligraphy. It is not only important to be acquainted with the art of your profession, but to expand into other creative studies.

4. Know the Ways of all professions
Learning is a never ending journey. Work is as synonymous with life. In both work and life we must continually be searching to understand our purpose and means to survive and thrive. The Way to mastery for others professions can help the Way to yours.

5. Distinguish between gain and loss in worldly matters
To obtain a goal there will be wins and loses. It’s important to be able to determine how these victory and defeats affect your journey to your goal.

6. Develop intuitive judgment and understanding for everything
If you have done your 10,000 hours of training and study then trust your gut and intuition.

7. Perceive those things which cannot be seen
When negotiating with clients, managing staff, or battling yourself be aware of the things happening beyond sight. Often it is easy to misjudge or be negligent to other emotions or personal agenda when it is not easily visible

8. Pay attention even to trifles
It is important not to forget the little things. Pay attention to the big picture, but don't forget about the little things.

9. Do nothing which is of no use
Simplify your life. Do the things that will help further progress you to your goal and avoid this things that don’t.



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