Face The Fear (photo courtesy of Bungy Japan)

Bungy Jumping And The Benefits of Fear

Phil Luza
Adventure Capitalists
3 min readOct 1, 2015


Jumping off a bridge is not natural. Millions of years of survival instincts are subconsciously screaming not to do it.

However, can the fear from bungy jumping improve your mental and physical abilities?

Extreme athletes and neuroscience says it can.

Over the past 30 years elite performers have pushed the boundaries human performance farther than it has in the previous 150,000 years by mastering the physiological effects of emotions to enhance their physical abilities.

Research has shown that a key to their success is the ability to harness fear to dramatically heighten focus. These psychological skills give them the ability to perform at the highest level of human ability and also improves their overall well being.

As a bungy jump operator this past summer I have experienced the sensation of plunging off a bridge over 50 times and watched countless others become elated with the challenge while some become paralysed with fear.

Research reveals that nearly 90% of people when put under fear induced stress are unable to think clearly or solve simple problems. However, these effects are not permanently debilitating. Often, experiencing fear can help you reach a greater level of emotional intelligence.



Phil Luza
Adventure Capitalists

Tax accountant & gentleman explorer sharing what I've learned along the way. For tax savings strategies visit www.TahoeTax.com