How To Live The Bungy Dream

Phil Luza
Adventure Capitalists
4 min readJul 3, 2018

Get paid to travel around the world and jump off really high things

Ollie scaling the Maccau Tower

Many dream of traveling and working their way around the world. But did you know that you can see the world and make a living as a bungy jump master?

I’ve jumped in over 20 different sites around the world.. and couldn’t be happier, if I die doing something I love. I’ve lived.

These seemingly obscure profession has allowed Ollie Headon to see the world while saving money and jumping off a lot of ridiculous places. Ollie eft the UK at 18 years old with the plan to become a certified ski instructor in the mountains of Japan than life the skibum life. Along the way he discovered that teaching skiing wasn’t his calling. Instead by chance he got started working in the world of bungy jumping at Bungy Japan and has since used the opportunity to travel and work to New Zealand, India, Switzerland, Greece, and China over the past four years.

We had the chance to catch up with Ollie in between Guiness World Record attempts in China, climbing towers in Maccau, and surfing in Japan to ask about living the bungy dream:

How did you get started in bungy jumping?

First time I herd about Bungy jumping was when I was about 14 watching videos on YouTube honestly never really interested me I was more intrested in skydiving, but after my ski season I really wanted to stay on in the summer and not go back to the average English life, so did my first jump and was hooked, I felt the people that I worked with are different kind of people more friendly and not taking life seriously and super inspiring people

How many bungy sites have you visited?

I’ve jumped in over 20 different sites around the world.. and couldn’t be happier, if I die doing something I love. I’ve lived.

Where is your favorite bungy jump site?

The most stunning site I’ve ever jumped at is in Interlaken in Switzerland, it’s over this stunning lake, and you jump from a gondola, surrounded by mountains and beautiful Swiss valley with cows with Swiss bells walking round the lake. Number one spot!

After so many bungy jumps do you still get scared?

Honestly.. yes I think the day I get bored of it all it’s the day I’ll probably quit, you need to keep yourself interested in pushing the boundaries, to keep your mind body and soul alive

Have you ever hurt anyone?

Yes, first week dislocated someone’s shoulder… whoops

Do bungy dudes get a lot of chics?

When I was in NZ yes.. we was doing 250 jumps a day half of them being hot Swedish Norway girls, then you see them in town in the evening.. and well your the cool jump master so your already in there good books

Why do some people spell it “bungee” and others “bungy”?

The NZ way is spelling it ‘bungy’ a lot of people in Europe and America spell it ‘bungee’ there is no real right or wrong answer, but I will always spell it bungy because it’s right for me

What are some of the hardest parts of being a bungy jump master?

Responsibility. You have a customers life in your hand, if you forget it clip some stuff… things can go wrong pretty quickly

What were some of your craziest experiences?

Setting up sketchy rope swings 150m tower climbs without harness, if your not nearly dying are you really living?

How were you able to work in so many countries?

I network myself very well I send my CV to everyone and ask if there looking for staff, I’m not the brightest spark but my work ethic is very good

What do you recommend to anyone getting started?

With regards to leaving that normal life…No matter what anyone tells you I feel you’ll either do it or not, regardless if you see a sick motivational post on insta you either born with this mindset or not. Stop worrying and bloody do it.

Where and how do you get started in the bungy jump industry?

Very simple Apply. Usually Bungy sites are always recruiting, I came from a city with pretty much 0 outdoor experience and have done alright, don’t feel like you might not have enough experience, just apply send them CV’s out as you never know what might happen

What kind of certifications do you have?

I’m Swiss certified and registered on the Swiss government website as a Bungy specialist, so if you need help on a Bungy site I’m your guy

Are there any bungy jumps sites you want to try?

Really the next Bungy site that gets me pumped will be my own when I set it up, as I can make it what i want and how I want… but jumping from a helicopter would be pretty cool

If you could choose another location to work where would you go?

I would love to set up a bungy in the London just because it’s close to home but get to bring my travel experience home.. keep your eyes posted for Bungy site to open in the future for London

Be sure to follow Ollie as he travels the world living the bungy dream on Facebook and Instagram. Be sure to check out other Adventure Capitalists for more inspiration and advice on working your way around the world.



Phil Luza
Adventure Capitalists

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