18th Street Brewery’s Jade Pale Ale at Hie Shrine in Akasaka, Tokyo

Sharing Adventure And Craft Beer Across The Pacific

Phil Luza
Adventure Capitalists


Enjoying a quality beer with friends is one of life’s greatest pleasures. However, as work, life, and adventure can separate mates across the globe it can be a challenge to share a brew.

For the founders of @Brewfeed sharing a craft beer became a way to reconnect with friends despite being an ocean apart and build a strong following in the process.

Founded in Northern California and Japan, the popular instagram account believes the “Best Experiences Are Shared.” Despite the geographic challenges the friends are able to share craft beers and good times with creative photos in unique locations on both sides of the Pacific.

I caught up with Brewfeed cofounder and Japan representative Matt Kline to learn more about artisanal Japanese ales, reconnecting with old friends, and the importance of having fun (while enjoying a few coldies, of course).

A Lucky Buddha Beer at a summer festival in Tokyo

How did @brewfeed get started?

It started out by simply sharing my beer photos from Japan. Living in Tokyo I wanted to share my travels and what I was drinking in the city. Two old friends back in California loved the idea and started to add photos of West Coast craft beers that they enjoyed while backpacking and camping around Northern California.

Everybody’s Brewing

What is @brewfeed all about?

The Brewfeed is basically about drinking beers with friends. Though it’s just beer, each photo tells a deeper story and this has connected with a lot of other beer enthusiasts and travelers around the globe.

A watermelon infused wheat beer from Hell or High Watermelon at the 9,300ft summit of Mt. Ralston

You guys must drunk dial each other a lot?

Ha! Not really, but we went from talking from once or twice a year to being in constant contact. The time difference between Japan and California was always a challenge, but now we message back and forth like old times. Definitely brought us back together.

Finishing a 2 week backpacking trip in the Sierra Mountains with a Sierra Nevada Porter

What are some things you enjoy about the creation process?

We’ve been trying to do interesting stuff since the beginning. It’s easy to grab a beer and snap a photo of it in front of a beach, we do that too, but we try to offer more.

Our #OregonSeries brings you along our road trip through Oregon tasting the local brews. This past summer during a 2-week, 48 mile hike along the Pacific Crest Trail the Brewfeed crew also posted live shots of the beers that fueled the adventures.

I’m always finding new places and experiences around Tokyo and Brewfeed is a great way to share my Japanese lifestyle with friends and followers.

Never a bad time for a Corona

Do you limit yourself to only the latest craft beers?

There’s really no rules with what we’re doing and that’s how we like it. We don’t want to be beer snobs, we’re not afraid to post a can of Miller Lite or Asahi. We just like the hell out of beer and this feed has given us a great excuse to drink lots of it and be creative at the same time.

Hitachino Nest Beer Extra High

What are some of the Japanese craft brews you are enjoying now?

I just drank a Shiga Kogen 10 year anniversary IPA. Does that count? Anything from Hitachino is awesome too.

Beware of zombies in Yoyogi Park, Tokyo

Ha! Perfect. Any bar recommendations in the Tokyo area?

Danish phantom craft brewing legend Mikkel Borg Bjergro just opened a Mikkeller beer bar in Shibuya. It’s a great place to enjoy a comprehensive selection of Mikkeller brews on tap plus some cool Japanese stuff in a great international setting.

To be honest, one of the best things about Tokyo is the beer selection in convenience stores like Natural Lawson’s. Open 24 hours with select beers from Japan’s largest breweries and smaller craft producers. It’s legal to drink nearly everywhere, so grab a brew and go explore the city.

For more craft beer fueled adventures and guides like 5 Ways to Eat Off The Beaten Path in Japan be sure to follow below or on Instagram or Twitter



Phil Luza
Adventure Capitalists

Accountant, investor, & gentleman explorer pursuing personal sovereignty. For personalized tax saving strategies visit www.TahoeTax.com