Superheros With A Temper Problem

Phil Luza
Adventure Capitalists
2 min readDec 5, 2018
The Will To Act

One of my favorite scenes from Christopher Nolan’s Batman Begins is when Bruce Wayne is recovering after getting beat in another training session and is questioned by what motivates him. His response is, “my anger fuels me”. Rebuilding and keeping Cabana alive after the typhoon has been nothing but a series of battles and punishment. My rage has been the only thing keeping me going.

Many people consider me to be a calm and relaxed person. In reality I have the temper of a wolverine and the patience of a child. These character flaws are the biggest things I hate about myself and it has taken me a lifetime to accept that side of me. This ugly part of my psyche reveals itself when life has taken a turn for the worse. A survival instinct. Times when it is required to fight rather than flee.

In comics rage is often characterized as a strength for heroes. Batman, the Hulk, and the Punisher are all good guys with a temper problem. Villains are rarely depicted with rage. Instead villains are usually portrayed as psychotic super geniuses with a unrelenting desire to own or destroy everything (i.e the Joker, Lex Luther, Thanos).

This week we are closing our one month popup and moving Cabana to the Chinese tropical island of Hainan. We didn’t make as much money as we thought, the weather really didn’t cooperate with us, and we worked really hard for basically nothing. I really want to give up, but my rage just wont let me.



Phil Luza
Adventure Capitalists

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