Kelcie and DW sittin in a tree

 g e t t i n g ma r r i e d 

Chandler Abraham
Adventure Fun Time
6 min readSep 30, 2013


The bridesmaids and groomsmen each spent the weekend in wonderful cabins straight out of the 50s
(for the record this is my favorite pic of the set)
Sammy found a fog
First sighting
As soon as the ceremony was over it came down like I’d never seen in my life
Best man toast
Dennis toasts to DW with a shot of whiskey from a bottle he had at *his* wedding, over 20 years ago.
Family brunch before everyone heads to the airport
Speaking of food, the Heppners really know how to serve it up.
: ) the end



Chandler Abraham
Adventure Fun Time

Idaho not Iowa. Formerly @twitter, now I do space stuff. #RWEN