Mostly Friends 

(25 pictures)

Chandler Abraham
Adventure Fun Time
3 min readMay 1, 2014


This is a dump of my favorite film shots I’ve been hoarding for the last 6 months. My first vacation since Benin starts in 9 hours with a flight to Hong Kong and I need to unload these pictures before they get left behind in the wake of Asia pics.

Most of these pictures were taken between Nov 2013 and May 2014. Most of them are of my pictures of my friends.

Brunch Club™ does Duboce park
Super Bowl party at the Evan’s.
Alex trying to decide what shape he wants his late night mexican food to come in.
Post Super Bowl crowd rolling deep.
Alyssa, Alta Visa Park.
Discovering those floaters in your eye that you only notice when you look straight up at the sky for a while.
SF -> Monterey, 60 miles in. Lots of other riders on the road, I couldn’t keep up with any of them.
100 miles in, 17 to go.
New Years eve, getting ready to hit Smugglers Cove. 400 speed film pushed 2 1/2 stops because I was shooting without a flash.
Mike needed to break in his hiking boots. We were going to head out to Mt. Tam but we didn’t get on the road until noon so we settled for Marin Headlands.
Somehow this was the only shot messed up, the rest of the roll was fine.
Phones at parties.
Phones at parties, redux
More New Years Eve. I wish I could remember the joke someone just told.
Muir Beach parking lot, I wish this photo was in color.
Roommate reunion dinner.



Chandler Abraham
Adventure Fun Time

Idaho not Iowa. Formerly @twitter, now I do space stuff. #RWEN