Positivity. Lets make this group louder

Sven ten Hove
3 min readFeb 8, 2017


I like to think about things, about life, work, friends, you name it.

That we are able to think about certain matters is what makes us people special. Thinking comes before doing.

Last couple of days I’m thinking about the article I wrote “Be fucking positive”. It’s about why we build our side project Brebble.

But with everything I do it also reflects me as a person. In this case the amazement with the people who complain.

Life is hard… I get it and experience this as well.

Most people who know me will think that my life is easy.

And it’s true.

I’m born in the beautiful city Amsterdam, in the Netherlands.

Where you are able to study, get life insurance and have the opportunity to do what you love if you play your cards right.

There is no war, real poverty or not enough food.

I’m surrounded by a beautiful family and friends.

And that’s everything that matters to me.

All the rest? I try not to give a fuck.

It’s not that I don’t care about the problems in our world. But I just don’t believe complaining is the solution.

Turn the telescope around

Angry clients, personal stuff, fights, law-suits, financial losses..

You name it. I’ve been there.

But when shit hits the fan there is only one thing that you are able to do.

You can’t change what already happened, you can only change how to react.

Angry client?
Call them, be vulnerable and try to understand what they experienced and why.

Failed a test at school or fucked something up at work?
Learn from it and next time work harder.

Getting fired?
Great opportunity to start a new adventure.

Don’t get angry

Last summer a friend of mine just came back from a epic trip around the world. While being at a party he received a fine for speeding via an E-mail.

He was angry.

Then I told him: It already happened man. What is the point in being angry and ruining your night?

His response: ‘Dude, don’t think that simple.’

But the funny thing is, it’s hard to think like that.

Flipping your angry thoughts in a moment like that is not (always) easy.

While receiving the speeding ticket he was probably driving somewhere epic, in the mountains with a beautiful view, a great song on the radio and experienced the most valuable experience: freedom.

How many people have the chance to experience something like that?


Be grateful for what you’ve got.

Just be grateful for what you’ve got, and don’t be negative about what not.

And if you want something you don’t have… Then you are the only person who can make that happen.

It all starts and ends with you.

Stay Epic,


ps. Don’t agree? I’m always open to hear your thoughts. I really didn’t figure it out yet.

pps. Being angry when you stub your toe is completely normal, keep doing that.




Sven ten Hove

I run a Design company in Amsterdam. My personal purpose in life is to create an adventure within whatever I do. And I truly wish this for everyone else.