The urge

Dragan Tapshanov
Adventure Stories
Published in
2 min readNov 18, 2014

Ask yourself, how many lives you have? Is it worth it to be stuck in one place till the end of time, to be part of the system that has been invented by someone braver than you? I’ve asked myself all of these things few years back and now i am here, in rural Cambodia exploring and documenting moments and traditions of people that you can only see on the screens that are lightening your living rooms, i am part of them now.

For many of those who can even understand what i am writing i am the crazy one, the one who is waisting his life and risking everything he has just to satisfy his wandering spirit. Yes that is me, accept me, i said sorry even if i didn’t meant it.

It wasn’t easy to pack everything and just go, but this thing is so powerful, if you have the urge for traveling and exploring you can’t ignore it, its like a disease that can not be cured, you can just control it if you are out there … that Wanderlust!

The spark

“I always wanted to travel and explore the world, photography is what helped me satisfy that urge”, these Steve McCurry words changed my life completely.

I was always into photography but never knew where my passion lies exactly. I’ve tried my self into fashion photography, landscapes, conceptual but there was nothing that made my heart skip a beat.

I found my self lying in the bed one day watching a Nat. Geo documentary of the tribes from South America and admiring to those documentary photographers and storytellers out there in the field, exploring, learning … living, thats when it hit me, i wanna be like them!

Spent all of my savings on new equipment and travel expenses, shock everybody with my decision and the next moment i was on a flight to Asia, the land of my inspiration.

Two times i’ve returned home, but the third time i had only one way ticket and i am still here, wandering with this heavy camera on my neck and this notebook that is gathering the stories of my travels.



Dragan Tapshanov
Adventure Stories

Constant Traveler, Visual Storyteller, Environmentalist.