4th of July in Seattle

Keenan Ngo
Adventure Arc
Published in
4 min readJul 7, 2015
The light streak is a military helicopter flying by

Last weekend we went to Seattle, mostly to see fireworks, but also to have some fun.

The road trip went off with minimal planning. Frances came with us again. We were originally planning on going Saturday and Sunday but on Friday, after getting happy meals with minions from McDonalds and beginning to plan our weekend, we decided to go in the next hour to maximize our weekend time.

We left at 8:30 and were glad that there wasn’t anyone at the boarder as we breezed through at sunset. Onward, we ate at Pizza Hut right before they closed (they weren’t too happy about that) and stayed in Everett, getting the 3rd last room. While we were paying, the hotel turned away someone on the phone. Everett is about half an hour North of Seattle so we were able to sleep in till 9. We tried for more minions at McDonalds (they’re collectables) before heading to the University of Washington where we drove through and then went kayaking.

The kayak rental at Agua Verde markets themselves as a kayak rental with a Mexican restaurant above. We did both, paddling through Lake Union to the Fremont bridge and back. The Bridge was cool because it was a cantilevered lifting bridge. There was a lot of boat traffic on the lakes and I was really interested in the many houseboats the line the shores. It would be pretty cool to live in one of them.

We also visited Washington Park Arboretum to find a floating bridge. It was a cool to see something other than downtown Seattle and to not drive through. I found that Seattle has a fair bit to offer but most people just go to downtown or pass through. We only spent a little time downtown. By accident, we passed by the gum wall and ended up at Pike Street market but it was mostly closed because of the holiday. There were still a fair number of tourists around.

We asked a Starbucks girl the best place to watch the fireworks and she suggested Warren G. Magnuson Park so off we went back across the bridges to a point that sticks out into Lake Washington. We even went for a dip in the lake right at sunset. At first we weren’t sure if we were in the right place but eventually we moved up the hill where we had a panorama view of the lake. The hills not high and there are some trees that have grown in the way but there were a lot of fire works going off all over the place, including at the bottom of the hill.

These fireworks displays aren’t as artistic or fancy as the celebration of lights but what they lack in quality they make up in quantity. Several fireworks shows went on for about an hour when it was all said and done. To top things off, a chinook helicopter with a big flag hanging below it flew over us.

Traffic wasn’t bad and we drove to Kent where we stayed in a rather luxurious hotel. Sunday morning we got minions again and then decided to go to Vashon island. Not only was the ferry incredibly cheap (27$ USD) but we went to the lighthouse and hung out on the beach. We played trivia where Yuki showed or knowledge of Despicable Me movies and Frances showed her prowess for US states.

Then we went another McDonalds and then to Alki beach which we’d heard about from Kate. It appears to be a fake beach but it’s reminiscent of California beaches where the sand is nice, there’s a sea wall with an extra wide bike path, lots of pedestrian activities, many restaurants with 2nd floor balconies, and tonnes of people causing by on bikes and in nice cars. The views from nearby were also exceptional of the Seattle Skyline.

Our last stop before heading home was Discovery Park north of Seattle. It too had a lighthouse that we took photos at.

This trip was a polar opposite of the last Garibaldi camping where I took photos of everything and documented the travel. This trip I took very few photos but I enjoyed myself a little more. I didn’t get to collect as many memories, but I enjoyed myself in the moment a lot more I think. Somehow, I’ve got to find a balance between the two. I’m hoping to use my iPhone more as it’s quick and easy.

