This is Everything I did This Summer

The Summer of 2020

Keenan Ngo
Adventure Arc
1 min readSep 12, 2020


This was a lonely summer and the pandemic forced us into further isolation. At the beginning it seemed like everyone’s summer plans changed overnight. I had high hopes for the summer so I had to adjust my expectations for the summer and made a list of goals which I thought were reasonably achievable in the context of a pandemic.

  1. Go on an Adventure
  2. Make someone so happy they cry
  3. Eat Chinese in Markham
  4. Visit Toronto Islands
  5. Walk the Waterfront
  6. Highpark
  7. Make something to be proud of
  8. Watch a sunrise
  9. BBQ at a cottage
  10. Have really really good ice cream

I accomplished almost everything on the list but missed out on the Chinese in Markham and Toronto Islands. I’m very grateful for my friends who helped me achieve my goals and make some good memories. This is a slideshow exported from iPhone of everything I did this summer:

