Tokyo Swifties

Best New and Old Friends

Keenan Ngo
Adventure Arc
4 min readJun 18, 2019


While in Tokyo, we were fortunate to meet up with some more Swifties, some of them old friends and others new.

The day after we went strawberry picking with Rey, we met her and two more Swifties downtown in Ginza to visit the Nissan Crossing Cafe. The Nissan building is primarily a showroom for the car company, but it also houses a trendy cafe that seems to be pretty popular with foreigners. The cafe is able to take a picture and use a machine print the image onto latte art. The building also has a VR set up so you can ride in a car as it drives around a racecourse, which was pretty fun too.

One of the best new attractions in Tokyo is the teamLab Borderless exhibition. teamLab is a company that makes unique sensory experiences and they have two installations in Tokyo. We tried to visit it when we first arrived in Japan but couldn’t find the time.

The exhibit was a lot of fun and I think it’s the next big thing in “things to do”. It is a series of rooms with lights and mirrors, which make for an otherworldly experience. The only downside is that it’s so dark that it’s hard to take pictures, but at the same time that’s great because it makes you enjoy the experience more.

Yuki is connected with many Japanese Swifties and we were invited to a Swiftie get-together. It was a really great social event to talk with people who share a common interest. We socialized with Swifties we originally met at Tokyo Dome, saw Rika from Nagoya, Facetimed with Sendai Swifties and others living abroad, and made some new friends.

The coolest part of this group was that people contributed to the event. Some brought snacks while others brought decorations. One guy made a brownie loaf and our good friend Shiori, whom we spent time with in Sendai, performed some Taylor Swift Songs on the guitar and piano.

When we go back home, I think these are the people we’ll miss the most. Japan is a very hospitable country and we haven’t met kinder or more sincere people. They’re truly the people we want to be around and aspire to be.

