Editorial: Our Mission

Ian Bouken
Adventures Catalog
Published in
2 min readSep 30, 2016
The ticket is on us.

Traveling has become much easier and affordable in the last 10 years. With 10 million passengers flying everyday, we truly live in a global village these days. Yet, not everyone is able to take a plane or train. Some don't have the resources to do it. Some might not be able to physically travel due to medical conditions. And others have jobs attaching them to a desk 365 days a year (~260 if we only count working days).

Adventures Catalog’s raison d’être, or goals, are two.

One is to take those who cannot travel on a short adventure to different parts of the World. To give them a medium to fly, dream, and to inspire their imagination. Using mainly visuals (videos + photos) and text (this publication), we aim to create virtual trips (and it will be even more virtual once we start making the videos in 360°, one of the next steps in our near-future plans).

The second goal is to give ideas of where to go to those who do travel (read “those lucky enough, and you better appreciate it”). A kind of online catalog of travel destinations. We believe that any trip, short or long, far or close, hitchhiking or staying at a 5* hotel, is an adventure: You meet new people, see new places, try new food. And that's what an adventure is about.

Adventure: |ədˈvɛntʃə| noun. An unusual, exciting or daring experience.

Why going through all the trouble? Why spending hours researching, shooting, editing?
We are fortunate enough to explore different parts of this amazing planet. And each time, we come back with tons of great memories and experiences. Seeing the world makes us appreciate life in a different way. It makes us feel alive. It opens our minds. Why keeping it just for ourselves? Like me when I was a child and I would travel to far and mysterious lands through travel magazines and documentaries, I'm sure there are people out there who will enjoy and get inspired by our publication, videos and photos.

The ticket is on us. Enjoy.

