10+ Cool Names For Your New Digital Assistant

Be prepared…

Ludger A. Rinsche
Adventures in Consumer Technology


Google has Now, Apple has Siri, Microsoft has Cortana and even BlackBerry has a digital assistant ready at your service. In the near future all of them will be able to answer as soon as you call them, without the need to hit a single button. But when they become more popular, this behavior could become a problem, since each of them reacts to the same keyword (as discussed in last weeks PocketNow podcast). One solution could be voice recognition which identifies the voice of the owner, another, easier and more fun solution would be individual name, given by the owner.

This post gives some geeky and cool ideas how you could name your next generation DA.

Top Six

1st Place - Joshua

“Shall we play a game?”


Taken from the movie “War Games”, Joshua is not the name of a supercomputer, but still an integral part of the story. The computer was named WOPR (War Operation Plan Response) — not very catchy.

2nd Place - S.H.O.D.A.N

“I will not allow this to happen.”


The first evil machine I remember from a PC game. And the sound blew you away. The year: 1999, the game: System Shock 2. SHODAN is also in part 1, but in 1994, I was too young to play the game.

3rd Place - Colossus

“You are being irrational. Go back to bed.”


This name comes from 1970s movie “Colossus: The Forbin Project”. While the name is only average-cool, the movie is superb, especially for its time. It also inspired Person of Interest, which brings me to…

4th Place - Samaritan

“Calculating Response”

I would prefer to the Machine in this list. But seriously, what name is that? Samaritan is the probably evil nemisis of the Machine. Probably, because it was only for a short period of time active and everything changes in the final episode of the 3rd season.

5th Place - Zen / Orak

“Do you have another riddle for me to analyze?”


While I wait for a remake of the great science-fiction series “Blake’s 7”, I could enjoy calling my smartphone by the name of one of their computers. But don’t force me to choose!

6th Place - Heisenberg

“Now, say my name!”


Without any connections to supercomputers and probably nobody you should ask for advise. But still, a cool and catchy name.

7th Place - Hyperion

And finally, Hyperion. In Greek mythology, he is the titan of watchfulness and wisdom.

Too Obvious

The following names come to mind but are too obvious in my opinion:

  • Computer
  • HAL
  • KITT
  • R2D2 / C3PO
  • GLaDOS
  • Jarvis
  • Mother

So, am I missing any great name? I’ll update this post when ever I have another interesting idea.

