BingGPT: Shut up and dance with me

Satya asked Sundar to dance, but Google can decline Microsoft’s advance

Anthony Bardaro
Adventures in Consumer Technology


Microsoft to Google: Do you mind if we dance wit yo dates?

Oh we were bound to get together
Bound to get together
He took my arm
I don’t know how it happened
We took the floor and Satya said
Oh don’t you dare look back
Just keep your eyes on me
I said you’re holding back
He said shut up and dance with me

–WALK THE MOON (paraphrased)

There’s (already) an app for that

The disruption of Google Search v2022 is almost a guarantee, but everyone seems to be tripping-over-themselves to be the first to call chatGPT/BingGPT/Bing Chat that agent-of-change. Since Google has some of the world’s premier AI assets and has deftly maneuvered to thwart disruptive threats in the past, let’s at least agree that nobody’s probabilities or confidence levels should be anywhere close to 100% here and now.

Nonetheless, even the more moderate pundits stare at chatGPT and philosophize ‘soon we’ll all have personal AI assistants’ — but even that sounds an awful lot like a Cortana that actually works; or a Siri that isn’t lousy; or, you know, the…



Anthony Bardaro
Adventures in Consumer Technology

“Perfection is achieved not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away...” 👉 #NIA #DYODD