BottlesTonight Turns One

John Rushworth
Adventures in Consumer Technology


Uber+Red Bull: Reflections from the Past Year

This month last year, my co-founder and I were in neighboring states. It was 9pm on a Saturday night. He had just released the first version of BottlesTonight in the iOS App Store. I had nightclubs listed on the app. We were ready to receive bookings. My phone was on, waiting for a customer service call. Then it buzzes. It’s a text and it read: “WE JUST GOT OUR FIRST BOOKING!”

At the time I was driving Lyft. I toggled off as a Lyft driver and pulled over. $625 at Vessel nightclub! I called my co-founder and we were elated. After a short-lived victory celebration, complimenting one another on our ability to get the app ready for this moment, we hung up. I quickly drove to Vessel. The VIP manager thanked me, I thanked our first customers then got in my car and toggled back into driver mode.

The early days were fun and tiring. I would drive Lyft around San Francisco each night while waiting to receive a text about a booking. When I heard we received one, I would rush to greet the customers at the venue, thanking them while asking how they heard about BottlesTonight. The clubs took notice of our passion for excellence and ensured each guest had a stellar experience.

Fast-forward a few months and already hundreds of bottles had been popped because of BottlesTonight. We expanded to Los Angeles. I traded in the stache to fully dedicate myself to the success of BottlesTonight and better align our brand with other companies that emulate our vision of a seamless end-to-end nightlife experience, i.e.: Uber + Redbull. Reflecting back one year later, we’ve enabled tens of thousands of milliliters to be consumed by satisfied customers. If we were considered a promoter, we’d have the highest aggregate bottle service sales in San Francisco, representing up to 15% of venue partner table sales.

To celebrate our one-year mark and to encourage you to try the new 2.0 version of our iOS app, use code BT50 for $50 off any booking.

I’d like to personally thank our customers and biggest fans for your loyalty to our brand. Building trust in a brand is difficult, especially when we ask you to spend hundreds if not thousands per transaction on a mobile app. You are the one’s who have helped us reach our one year mark.

A special thanks to our amazing team of engineers, sales people, representatives, contractors, advisors, and investors!

We can’t wait to see what the next year will bring, but champagne showers are assumed.


John + The BottlesTonight Team

