Enjoying The Time Of Day With WATCH

Christian Klump
Adventures in Consumer Technology
3 min readSep 10, 2014

You see it everyday. The crowds in an eternal hynotic state of looking down at their screens catching up on the latest tweets. Gazing into the backlit screens trying to avoid a silent or awkward moment with the people around them. You hear the hypocrites gripe to their friends to put their phones down and enjoy the company of them all the while they themselves do it too when it isn’t their turn to speak or have lost interest. Heck, even I catch myself doing it. My buddy who lacks an impressive smartphone to really get the appeal of what most of us get hooked into, always gets on me about this. In my defense he does catch me in an unfortunate time when I happen to have my iPhone out. This is a social dilemma that everyone mildly wishes it is put in the unoffical rulebook of Social Etiquette.

How Does This Translate to WATCH?

Imagine, fully well that your day is hectic, you are trying so hard to pay attention to either a friend or family member. You want to be polite but you know that there may be a very important email or text that you just recieved. Why not have the luxury to take a quick glance at your wrist and continuing on without feeling like you are instantly putting up a force field with the person you are with by pulling out your phone? If that seems trivial for you, give this a shot.

Think of the last time that you been active. Think about how long do you really keep cooped up in either the office or at home. Wouldn’t you like to measure that kind of information for your own well being? I (and possibly many others) haven’t really been actively engaged physically since high school (I am 21). The idea of the WATCH got my interest peaked over the idea of being active or at the very least being mindfulover my health in some small way. I know there are some out there that are very active and I solute you for that. For those who are active and use some kind of wearable tech, how many do you own? How many do you wear day to day? Could the WATCH condense the number of wearables you may wear? Keep all your data universal and intergrated rather than dispersed to the multitude of services you have?

Communication Should Breed Emotion

Think of a single text that you send to someone. Haven’t you ever had a text taken out of context or misread? Try conveying an emotion to your loved one but all you can muster is I ❤ YOU!!!! because that is something they would be able to translate as excitement than just the standard I love you? Sure the heartbeat and sketching thing that Apple demoed was gimmicky in presentation but you must consider the possiblities this could bring in the hands of the consumers. Imagine if you got great news about a promotion that you just got or reacting to news that your wife is pregnant while you are at work. Would you really settle for OMG THAT IS SO AMAZING!!! or would you like to express your excitement with a heartfelt messaged followed by the fast beating of your heart? These are just the small ways that WATCH can be impactful to our lives and only time will tell how big it can grow.

