Here’s How Casinos Are Using AI

Mariojose Palma
Adventures in Consumer Technology
3 min readMay 23, 2021


Photo by Kvnga on Unsplash

In-person casinos and online gaming platforms are using AI in unique ways to improve the gaming experience. In addition to helping players have fun (and, thus, spend more money at a slot machine or table), casinos and online gaming platforms use AI to keep players’ information secure and even identify signs of gambling addiction.

How AI Can Enhance the Casino Experience for Players

There are several use cases for AI in casinos, both in-person and online. Here are some of the most prevalent ways casino software developers are using AI today.

Keep players engaged

The first rule of any casino or casino-like platform is to find ways to keep players engaged, so they spend more time and money playing. In-person casinos want to encourage their guests to spend time at different machines and tables so they’ll spend more money. That’s why there aren’t clocks or windows in casinos. You can easily spend an entire day there, eating and drinking as you play without realizing it.

The experience is not the same when you move to an online platform. Because online gaming sites rely heavily on ad revenue, they don’t necessarily need to encourage players to spend money. Instead, they need to find ways to keep players engaged long enough to generate ad revenue.



Mariojose Palma
Adventures in Consumer Technology

Artificial Intelligence expert, and Software Engineer with over 15 years of experience focusing on artificial intelligence and cloud solutions