Introducing: Product Thinking Thursdays

Cory Torres Bishop
Adventures in Consumer Technology
2 min readApr 20, 2017

In our daily product management, design, and development processes it’s very easy to get stuck in our own silos, inhibiting the chance of any cross-team collaboration or knowledge transfer. We’re so focused on completing our team’s tasks/milestones, it’s often hard to make the time to lift our head up and see how others do this or that. Our innate curiosity and yearning to learn gets hindered by our day-to-day.

To shake this up and hopefully induce more collaborative learning, I started a new initiative at Y Media Labs dubbed Product Thinking Thursdays.

Product Thinking Thursdays at Y Media Labs

Product Thinking Thursdays (PTT) is intended for PMs, designers, and developers, to learn and share experiences amongst one another. In each session, hosted every Thursday at our Redwood City office, we block off an hour to share in our own learnings in an effort to build better products with lasting impact. We kicked off session 1 last week in which I lead the discussion around the importance of Defining Success through Product Goals.

From session 1: Defining Success Through Product Goals

This week will be around aligning product goals to Define Critical Events and Make User Behavior Driven Decisions. This includes knowing the pitfalls of vanity metrics and the importance of analyzing true actionable metrics.

Upcoming topics from our team include Measuring User Retention, Kano Model, AARRR framework, Importance of Rapid Prototyping and more. As a group, we would also love to hear from other experts in the industry. If you want to share your experience about a particular topic, process, or framework — shoot me a note at any time:

