Samsung’s Moon Photos Are Kinda Fake, But Should Anyone Care?

Samsung’s latest phone cameras partly construct the surface of the moon using AI, but in a world now “enhanced” by AI, where should the line get drawn?

George Tinari
Adventures in Consumer Technology


Surface of the moon.
Photo by Mike Petrucci on Unsplash

Okay, so the tech buzz currently swirling ‘round the web is that a clever Reddit user debunked Samsung’s lofty marketing claims for its latest Galaxy phone cameras. In short, the 100x zoom phones that promise crystal clear photos of the moon at night only keep that promise by heavily incorporating AI.

The Reddit user, ibreakphotos, proved this essentially by printing out an intentionally blurred image of the moon, using a Samsung phone to take a picture of it, and demonstrating that the phone somehow produced a highly detailed image of the moon — despite the fact that real image was only a blurry print. While some speculated Samsung might be overlaying a separate image over the moon, this claim is false. Instead, the camera recognizes that you’re trying to take a picture of the moon, then uses AI to construct an image that attempts to replicate details of the surface of the moon within the context of your lighting, environment, and moon phase.

The result is a pseudo-photograph. Yes, it’s a real photo taken on your phone, but the AI is…



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