Why we need Copy and Swap from Apple, Google and Microsoft

Gianfilippo Ceraselli
Adventures in Consumer Technology
2 min readMar 18, 2017


Cut, Copy and Paste. Can you imagine a working day without these basic commands? Sure, we could still achieve the desired outcome but a lot of time and effort would be wasted.

Speaking of wasting time, there is a very common task that has no specific command forcing us to adopt a workaround.

This animation shows the problem and the solution.

Swap is a missing command that we all need. It’s a simple and non-invasive feature that can speed up our daily tasks.

OK, it makes sense… but wait a minute. What happens if…

  • I try to swap a complex object instead of simple text?
  • I copy and swap multiple objects into a single one?

And so on…

There are certainly a lot of considerations to be made before adding such fundamental cross-function to any operating system. I can only imagine the complexity since I have never designed anything like that. Probably the Swap command should be unavailable in some cases.

I think that Apple, Google and Microsoft have the right resources and smart pros needed to find the answer and eventually replace a user workaround with a new, smarter solution.

If you think you need to Copy and Swap, help me to spread this request by hitting those little 👏 below (you can “clap” multiple times!). Thanks!



Gianfilippo Ceraselli
Adventures in Consumer Technology

User Experience Designer/Manager deeply passionate about the innovation of services and products.