Cotopaxi volcano — Ecuador. (Photo credits: Alejandro Vasquez on Unsplash)

In 2020, we’re heading to Ecuador and the Galapagos

The first project of Adventures in Preservation (AiP) in South America.

Adventures in Preservation
3 min readJul 27, 2019


Ecuador is a land of contrasts, from the Andean foothills to the Amazon to the wonders of the Galapagos Islands.

This is why Adventures in Preservation (AiP) is happy to announce that its first-ever project in South America is in Ecuador and the Galapagos Islands.

AiP will take you to the foothills where you will help save vernacular stone architecture perfectly designed to deal with the Andean landscape and climate. You will learn traditional skills as you join conservation efforts that hold the key to economic growth through heritage tourism. And, after working with community members in La Esperanza, less than 100 miles north of the capital Quito, you’ll have the option of exploring the amazing Galapagos Islands.

“…by far the most remarkable feature in the natural history of this archipelago…is that the different islands to a considerable extent are inhabited by a different set of beings…I never dreamed that islands, about fifty or sixty miles apart, and most of them in sight of each other, formed of precisely the same rocks, placed under a quite similar climate, rising to a nearly equal height, would have been differently tenanted.”
— Charles Darwin, The Voyage of the Beagle (1839)

La Esperanza is a picturesque village in northern Ecuador that sits just below the slopes of Volcán Imbabura. Although this tranquil agricultural town is off the beaten path for most tourists, it has an interesting past. Music greats such as Bob Dylan, members of Pink Floyd and Joan Baez found their way here to enjoy the local magic mushrooms. Today, the village is just as magical with most visitors coming for the amazing views as they climb the volcano.

Why Volunteer in Ecuador

Ecuador is losing its traditional built heritage. Saving the vernacular stone buildings typical of the Andean foothill region is key to energizing the economy of the villages and preserving the environment of the foothills. Traditional skills, combined with current preservation methods, are vital to maintaining these charming stone buildings, perfectly designed to deal with the Andean landscape and climate.

👉 Click here to join this adventure in Ecuador!

AiP jammers will help preserve historic buildings that are interwoven into the social fabric of La Esperanza. Residents have requested that their church, which is central to community activities, be addressed first to stop ongoing deterioration.

By demonstrating the beautiful results of conservation work at the site most important to the community, our goal is to pique interest in saving other vernacular architecture, from picturesque houses to small stone shops. AiP jammers will work with the community to save historic buildings and retain the visual beauty of the region’s unique cultural landscape.

“When I found Adventures in Preservation, I was so excited to see the work that you do — both the projects themselves and the educational and cultural opportunities they provide. [AiP] incorporates so many things that are important to me — the hands on experience, getting people involved in preservation, and travel beyond just tourism.”
Riley Marshall 2019

The Nuestra Senora de La Esperanza church and convent is the focus of the August 2020 project. Construction of the church began in the early 1800s, but there is no record of the exact date. It was home to several religious orders, becoming increasingly important after the earthquake of 1868 that tragically killed hundreds of people.


On the drive from Quito to Ibarra, we will visit Cochasqui archeological ruins, where a local guide will explain this old civilization. This will be followed by a visit to the famous market in Otavalo. During the week, you will have time to explore Ibarra and La Esperanza.

Week two provides the opportunity for an Optional Tour of the amazing Galapagos Islands. We will spend four days visiting a variety of remarkable sites on the islands and a fifth day exploring Quito.



Adventures in Preservation
Adventures in Preservation

Adventures in Preservation (AiP) is a non-profit connecting people and preservation through enriching cultural heritage travel and hands-on education.