China in Photos: Some Food is Best Served on a Stick

Boris Mordkovich
Adventures in the World
2 min readJan 30, 2012

One thing that the Chinese are known for is not letting any food go to waste. An admirable quality, indeed, it does lend to some interesting food choices.

Hidden in the alleys of Beijing, near the Tiananmen Square, there are a few streets that are known, quite simply, as Snack Streets. During the day and night, people flock to them for a snack and a bite to eat.

And, of course, vendors happily cater to the crowds with choices of their best dishes — generally, all served on a stick for your convenience (and to think that the best we’ve come up with in the U.S. in that regards is a corn dog!).

Tarantula. Fried.
Not sure what this is, but I know that when I see one in my house, I get a slipper ready.
No comment.
Snakes. Make for a great soup.
Grasshoppers, I presume!
More scorpions.
I’ll let you know what this is, as soon as I sort out where the head and the rear are…
Bat up close and personal.
90% chance that this is a Gecko. Just basing it off what I’ve seen in the Geico commercials.
Starfish and sea horses.
One for the road!

Originally published at on January 30, 2012.

