China in Photos — The Modern Toilet

Boris Mordkovich
Adventures in the World
2 min readMar 15, 2012

Where to the Chinese hip teenagers go to hang out on a rambunctious Saturday night?

Well, I’m still not sure of that, but I found myself in the toilet — a Modern Toilet, that is. This Taiwan-based restaurant chain has recently come to China to introduce its doo-doo shaped cuisine to the locals — and it’s become quite a hit.

Ranging from the toilet-based seats to the mini-urinals used to serve drinks and cocktails and squat toilets for other dishes, this restaurant evokes a range of emotions — hunger frequently not being one of them.

Restaurant Sign
The Thrones Are A-Waiting
Some customers do appear more constipated than others
Happy customers
The food is served in appropriate containers. Stew is delicious!
This game is called — “Guess the Ice Cream Flavor”
This joint is particularly popular with young Chinese teenage girls… and me.

So, as you’re looking at all of this, you may be wondering — whose idea was it to start this? According to Wikipedia, Owner Wang Zi-Wei, an ex-banker, stated that his inspiration for the bathroom themed restaurant came from a robot character from the Japanese cartoon Dr. Slump who loved to “play with poop and swirl it on a stick.” Ahh, gone are the days of good ol’ meaningful Russian cartoons :)

Originally published at on March 15, 2012.

