Wrap Up and Thank Yous

Boris Mordkovich
Adventures in the World
3 min readAug 23, 2009

After making a few brief stops in Kazakhstan and Dubai last week, I’ve finally made it home a week ago — home sweet home!

I thought that I’d be able to get another couple of posts about the last few weeks out once I’m back, but it feels quite different trying to write it back home in my apartment sitting on my chair — almost as if I’m writing about somebody else’s experiences.

However, I did want to wrap this up with a BIG BIG thank you to some people that have really made the trip what it was. It’s because of them that the last 7 months were so enjoyable and memorable.


Umeda — for welcoming me to Tajikistan and making my two months there much more fun and enjoyable, for all the outings in Merve, for laughing at my jokes, for dealing with the government bureaucracy for me, and for providing another thing to look forward to back in NY.

Shirin — for conquering Varzob with me and for all the wonderful and encouraging feedback during the last 5 monhs.

Hamza — for making the 2,200km trip in the Pamirs a success. Best driver I’ve ever had a pleasure to work with.

Sujith — for being a great roommate in India, helping to take back the guesthouse from the “little friends”, and for sharing quite a bit about the Indian culture and way of life with me. Those evenings at the beach were definitely a highlight!

Tolik — for a hell of a trip through the South and Southeast Asia. Looking back at it, I’m still amazed how much we managed to pull off during that month. I’ve definitely developed a higher tolerance of risk as a result, although I’ll still show up for planes 2 hours before departure, rather than 20 minutes after. Great memories, indeed.

Nha Ja — teaching the art of massage in Chiang Mai, Thailand for a week. Those are the skills that I hope to put to good use, now that I’m back in NY.

Renat — for being one of the most inspiring and interesting colleagues I’ve had the pleasure of working with during this trip and for answering my never-ending questions at work. I’ve learned quite a bit from you. Till next time!

Saadat — for showing me Kyrgyzstan beyond what I’d ever be able to do on my own, for introducing me to family, friends and making it feel like home during the last two months.

Margarita — for opening up her home to me in Kazakhstan and for the Sunday pancakes :)

This is CouchSurfing at its best.

Jenny — for answering Kiva questions at 4am in the morning, for putting me with such great organizations, and being the best MPM I’ve ever worked with :)

Thank you all!

Onwards and upwards.

Originally published at boba.wordpress.com on August 23, 2009.

