Absorb from every day

João Araújo
adventures of a product team
3 min readJul 13, 2017

I had just arrived in Braga, a city in the North of Portugal to meet Pedro Talaia. We decided to meet at this old cafe, one of the most emblematic cafes in the city for both its decoration, the history behind it and, of course, the unique coffee you can have there.

To get there, you need to go through the historic center where you’ll find a huge fountain that lights up in festivals and streets crowded with people shopping, playing and chatting.

A couple of minutes after I got to the cafe, Pedro arrived. We went to the top floor, ordered two coffees and talked about work and life. At some point, I shared that I had this idea I had been preparing for some time, but which I had never really launched. I was unsure of the outcome, lost the excitement and, for some part, the belief in it.

Pedro calmly told me:

I’ve been through some things in the past and I can tell you for sure that a “no” is granted. So from now on, for me, there is only “yes”. You have no idea the doors that can open if you just try.

This is something I’ve known for quite a while, but it stroke me at the moment. What am I doing? Why did I even consider of not doing it?

I thanked him these words.

But this is where it begins.

Unique moment in life

It may feel such an inspirational moment. Old cafe, two friends chatting, a lollipop moment out of nowhere and then WOW, everything changes as if stars were aligned. As if the universe conspired to create that exact situation so your life could make a turn.


Let me tell you a few things about that day:

  • I don’t live in Braga, so I had to drive for 30 minutes to get there.
  • We scheduled in the center, and streets in the center can become really! chaotic.
  • To park in Braga is a pain in the ass. I parked by car about 20 minutes from the cafe and had to walk all the way there.
  • It was raining and I had no umbrella, jacket or whatever. I had a shirt and shorts because it’s supposedly summer here. Ha!

You see? No magic here.

Most inspiring moment of your life?

Eureka moments, pieces of memories you will recall in the future that completely changed your life only come for those who are looking for them. Do not expect inspiration to arrive if your doors are closed.

Have I mentioned that this meeting happened because I commented on a photo on Instagram asking for feedback on a book Pedro had recently read? It literally came out of a moment of boredom when I was scrolling my Instagram feed and thought “uh, let me ask how this book is like”. Suddenly we’re meeting and BAM.

How much can you absorb from all the random/normal/ordinary/occasional situations you go through your day?

People have so much to give and I found that paying close attention to what they share with you, can turn simple events into these moments and memories that will end up shaking you.

Aaaaaand it’s typical Mark.

A coffee, a ride in the metro, a meeting with the same people you see every day can have so much more in it. Expecting a beautiful Instagram filter in your view, a whiskey being shared and people staring at depth of your eyes and quoting inspirational moments from Spider-Man or Forrest Gump is an illusion.

The right moments will happen.

But it’s up to you to be aware, absorb and reflect.

