Save the date, Whirling Girl launches Cyber Monday!

MERHABA and Happy Wednesday,

Sandy Merrill
Adventures of a Whirling Girl
3 min readOct 29, 2015


Your responses have been tremendous, I thank you. I am delighted, and exiting to keep moving!

The launch of this adventure begins with…

(More details about the sale in the coming weeks, but mark your calendars.)

It will be a great opportunity to do some easy Christmas shopping, choose a unique baby or wedding gift, and maybe even treat yourself to something special. There’s sure to be something for everyone and for every occasion.

I’ve been putting the pieces of this adventure together for a good many years, trying to get them all to fit. In August of 2013 Ed and I met my son, Roger, and his wife, Kim, in Turkey where we traveled togetherfor about 4 weeks. UNBELIEVABLE!!! (Lots of good stories to come in the future.) The trip opened my heart and my mind to a world of possibilities, and more pieces to my puzzle were revealed. My ‘Turkish Collection,’ of course. It became clear that my plan must include buying and selling spectacular ‘goodies’ that everyone MUST have. As my specifics weren’t in place my selections and amounts are a bit peculiar. On future trips, you’ll be helping me, I’ll be including your input and using your guidance in my purchasing and I’ll definitely buy larger amounts!

The sale will include mostly Turkish items and will range in price from $5-$50. AND, with any luck, I’ll be adding a few ‘goodies’ from our upcoming vacation. By pure chance and good fortune Ed and I have a much needed vacation planned to Costa Rica November 12–25th and I have my eye on what look to be some real treasures right over the border in Panama. We shall see!

Here’s how this grand adventure of mine will work. After a successful holiday sale, I’ll begin my travels in January or February with my first actual solo trip to Guatemala. Doesn’t that sound COLORFUL? I’ll be traveling for 4–6 weeks per trip, blogging and posting about my adventures, my new friends and each new and amazing ‘goodie’ I find. I’ll be home for a month or two between trips to:

  • present my latest ‘collection’ to all of you
  • catch up with husband, babies, kids, and friends, in that order
  • perhaps sell a house or two
  • do some Uber-ing (my great source for new friends here in Cincy)
  • finalize details and arrangements for my next trip

My hope is that the proceeds from each sale will support the next trip and my next ‘collection’. I’ll be traveling modestly (even camping when and where possible and perhaps hooking up with the youngsters in hostels) so I’ll have more $ for the treasures and no doubt more stories to tell!

For now I’ll be doing this adventure solo until Ed sees that it is actually working. Then I feel certain we shall be two!!

This seems enough info for one week. You can expect an email each Wednesday until the MAIN EVENT. Next week I’ll be telling you why I’ve decided to do this crazy thing, and why now. In the meantime please keep sharing these emails with anyone who needs a bit of adventure in their lives! And many thanks for your help and support.

Until next time,
The Whirling Girl (aka Sandy)

P.S. I’ll be ramping up my blog and Facebook page when and as I learn the necessary tech skills (UGH!!!!)

P.P.S Be sure to Join the Adventure if you done so already

