Adventures of Speck — To The Eagles Nebula: Chapter 17 — The Final Exoplanets

(Solomon completed the final two exoplanets to locate the cryo-traveler’s whereabouts.)


The Cryogenic program was designed to make contact with other intelligent life forms in the Cosmos. However, there was little to no knowledge as to what to expect when it came to the type of intelligent life forms the cryo travelers would encounter once they made contact. From my experiences, intelligent lives have taken on many different forms: some friendly and some not-so-friendly. I’ve concluded that in referring to the old saying, “Watch out for what you ask for…” perhaps it would have been better not to search for intelligent life forms other than our own, because the other life forms may prey on us or at the least, consider us a danger to their kind. In either case, we would be better off not making ourselves known to them.

We made a slide from the Star Q universe exoplanet, where the cryo traveler destined for that planet was turned into an exhibit for the life forms there. We need to understand that the term “alien” on our planet Earth contains a different meaning than the other exoplanets. Because on other planets, we are the aliens. So we must show caution.



Tom Maglish
Adventures of Speck -To the Eagles Nebula

Retired. Self published short story book. Working on publishing Children Picture Books. Writing short stories.