Speck: Chapter 24 — Somewhere Over The Wormhole…

Tom Maglish
Adventures of Speck


Speck was right when he said he had a suitable place for him and his crew. Although not quite the same as Earth, it possessed all the requirements for survival. The gravity and Atmosphere were similar. O2 was at 20.5%, which was hardly indistinguishable from our Earth’s. Fresh water and abundant vegetation, but no animals. However, there were more plants high in protein and vitamin contents not to mention fiber.

The planet had no moon, and the sun seemed to be about as large as the Earth’s sun, which means the planet must be at the correct distance to sustain life. The day cycle was more like 20 hours, which required some getting used to. The rotation of the sun was from the West to the East in a perfect rotation, so the planet we are on doesn’t have a tilted axis, which results in no seasonal weather changes. And the opposite rotation must be in an inverted galaxy compared to the Milky Way.

Over the past two months, we have been residing on the new planet. During that time Speck floated us to various locations to explore the new world, which gave us a chance to sample and harvest different foods for our travels. It seems like the plants seemed to be very nonperishable. We can store them inside Speck for long periods before resupplying. More than likely the crew may get tired of eating the food even though they’ll provide adequate…



Tom Maglish
Adventures of Speck

Retired. Self published short story book. Working on publishing Children Picture Books. Writing short stories.