Speck: Chapter 4 — The Speck

Tom Maglish
Adventures of Speck
3 min readMay 23, 2024


The speck was growing. Although it appeared to be getting larger, in reality, it was the same size, just getting closer. As I continued to watch it, it neither moved up or down nor did it move left or right. It just kept getting larger. A grim realization came to my mind…It was heading straight toward me.

It was hard to tell the exact size of the speck; or should I say an object, because by now the speck is starting to take shape. It seems to have rounded edges as its size grew. The details of the speck became more pronounced. Still, I had no idea of its size and overall dimension. All I knew was that it was coming directly toward me. I started to record the time frame from when I first noticed it to the present. Suddenly, I recalled the atomic clock and wondered how long I was Cyro’d.

As I changed my attention to the clock to tell my time frame, I started to ponder other questions as why I woke up, how come I have gravity, and where is this bright light coming from. Many answers needed to be solved. As for now, I decided to figure them out, one at a time. First thing first: How long? Looking at the clock, I came to figure that I was Cryo’d for over a hundred years. As I started to figure out the distance. “At .9 the speed of light of 186,000 miles per second, 60 seconds in a minute, sixty minutes in an hour, 24 hours in a day, 365 days a year and 100 years: I…



Tom Maglish
Adventures of Speck

Retired. Self published short story book. Working on publishing Children Picture Books. Writing short stories.