What keeps me going

Michael Bolden
Adventures on the Camino
1 min readAug 9, 2017

Aug. 26, 2012

It is hard. It may be the hardest thing I have ever done. I am neither the slowest nor the fastest but I am taking my time. Someone once asked me what I thought about on my walks. Often I listened to music and tried to drown out the noise from my life. There is no noise here. No music. Only the Way. I think about walking. One foot forward, then another, accompanied by the tap tap tap of my walking stick. I only want to get up the mountain. And I think that there are harder things. I think about my mother’s death in June. It must be hard to lie in a bed in horrible pain, knowing you are dying, watching your family watch you die. There are harder things in life than walking up the Pyrenees with 25 pounds on your back, so I keep going. Slowly, but going.

Originally published at mbolden.tumblr.com.



Michael Bolden
Adventures on the Camino

Journalist at the American Press Institute | alumnus San Francisco Chronicle, Stanford, Knight Foundation, The Washington Post, The Miami Herald | he/him