Portal to the Underworld

Jonathan Bean
Adventures Through Astral Realms
2 min readJan 16, 2017

Last night I went through a portal to another world, an underworld.

I was in the woods. Some mysterious indigenous people came to me. They asked me to come with them. I followed them to a lake. There was a platform leading into the middle of the lake, which was about the size of a stadium. They asked if I was ready to visit the other side, another dimension of life after death. I agreed. They prepared the portal. An animal was sacrificed, blood spilled into the lake, they performed some rituals. The lake began to swirl into one big vortex. As it got bigger the portal opened up in the middle of the vortex. The animal sacrifice was needed to open this portal as the transition from life to death was like the birth of a being into another world, and during this transition, some magik could be performed to bring beings of this world to another and back. A tunnel appeared in the portal, it was lined with fleshy organic bloody substance and blue lightening jumped around in it. I got a feeling of excitement as a I prepared to jump. They said now, and I jumped in. The memories of the other side are difficult to translate into this world, but there is some memories I can explain. The sky was dark all the time and tinged with red gas. Life here was different, a different purpose for all life. I felt that I was an intruder, and I did not understand why I was brought there. I was crossing a bridge over a stream in the woods. A elf like magician women dropped a card into the stream. When the card reached under the bridge the bridge erupted and collapsed. “Was I the target of an assassination. What is going on here?”. Ok people want to kill me, there must be a reason and my mission is dangerous.

I came upon a massive ancient tree with a spiral of stairs going up it.

The rest is a blurry memory and may be inaccurate. I received special powers atop this tree. I was sucked back through the portal as time seemed to reverse itself. I was back on Earth, but now with special powers I did not fully understand.

Dream occurred around 3 AM, Monday, January 16,



Jonathan Bean
Adventures Through Astral Realms

Regenerative and Solidarity Movement Building and Architect of Sustainy and us.OS, Cooptocracy Platform