Everything You Need to Know About the Nexus 6

Bryan Collom
Adventures With Android
3 min readJan 7, 2015


Early Thoughts

There is a certain amount of giddy excitement that comes over me whenever a new shiny gadget is delivered to my door. The Nexus 6 came with a little more excitement, due to the horror I had to go through just to have it delivered(for those of you still waiting, don’t lose hope!). But initial impressions are far different than Review opinions, which is why I take the time to write an Early Thoughts piece.

The Review Trilogy

When it comes to a phone, there are three major facets. Hardware, Software, and Camera. All are equally important. Making the review a trilogy allows me to be intentional with each part of the phone to give the best possible opinion.

The Software Review is really a double article that should go hand in hand. I Review Android 5.0 Lollipop as a whole. As well as how it runs on the Nexus 6 itself.

The Camera Review was actually written by me, but published to The Tech Block. They are a fantastic tech curating site that hand picks good tech reads. As a tech writer, I write pieces as well as read them. This makes The Tech Block a great tool.


Just because the Nexus 6 Review Trilogy is complete in no way mean I’m finished with the device. There needs to be comparisons to competing devices, what my favorite features are, and how I feel after three and six months.

Compared: The Nexus 6 vs The OnePlus One

The OnePlus One was easily the most polarizing device of 2014. At the tail end of 2014, the Nexus 6 came crashing down. Two flagship level phones that have captivated many Android enthusiasts. The only question you need to ask: Which one is better?

Compared: The Nexus 6 vs The Nexus 5

Both of the devices carry the “Nexus” Moniker. But they are immensely different devices.

Three Months In: Nexus 6

It’s been three months, has Moto’s behemoth held up?

Here’s what is on the horizon for my Nexus 6 coverage, stay tuned:

Just How Big is the Nexus 6?

Six Months In: Nexus 6

Compared: Nexus 6 vs. Samsung Galaxy S6

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Bryan Collom
Adventures With Android

Technology. Photography. Coffee. Did I mention technology?