Anza-Borrego Part 4 — Elephant Knees, Wind Caves, and Dinosaurs

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7 min readApr 22, 2019

March 3, 2019.

Having gone to bed with the wind howling, it only got worse as the night progressed. Having experienced these extremely strong winds in the CVT a few times now, and knowing that the ladder side of the tent was well-weighed down, I knew that the tent would be OK; my stress level lower than it had been the first couple times we’d been in this situation.

With earplugs in, we slept reasonably well through the night, though we were awoken for a few of the more violent gusts. In the morning, I’d tell @mrs.turbodb that a constant wind was better than one that started and stopped — the non-uniformity being the thing that caused our bodies to wake up.

With clear skies, I’d set my alarm for sunrise, and once again, we both got up to experience it the colorful illumination of the desert sky, starting with a sliver of moon just over the horizon.

Before long, oranges, pinks, and purples made themselves known against the blue morning sky, and eventually from our perch above camp, the sun started to creep down the canyon walls into Hapaha Flat.

It was still very windy, but having skipped dinner we were ready for some breakfast so we fought the wind as we poured our bowls of Cheerios and sprinkled fresh blueberries on top. We managed to keep most of the cereal in the bowl until an enormous gust of wind ripped through the bed of the truck, essentially vacuuming several dozen little O’s out onto the desert floor.

Eat well desert rodents!

We got the milk poured and huddled behind a small-cabin-sized-rock to wolf down breakfast before packing up everything in the bed of the truck and getting the tent put away — no small feat with the gusting wind. Then, we had a decision to make — the evening before we’d discovered a pair of Agaves just about to bloom — their stalks climbing 10-feet into the air, their flowers just starting to open. I’d tried to snap a photo just as the sun was hitting the tops of these beauties, but had been 30-seconds or so late.

I really wanted to stick around to get a photo of them when the light hit this morning. And as it turned out, that was just fine with @mrs.turbodb — any excuse to hang around investigating the flowers, a big plus in her book. We had what turned out to be about 20 minutes to wait, so we took in the local flora.

A couple of blooming yucca.

A chollo cactus with a bird’s nest.

An unknown cactus with a crown of purple and yellow, and a barrel cactus, bright yellow in the morning sun.

An agave sending up it’s stalk — unaware that upon its completion of flowering, the entire plant will die.

And, chollos shedding what I deemed “chollo balls” everywhere. As it turns out, everyone tries picking up one of these balls only once. Except for me — I tried twice. Overachiever or slow learner?

And then the sun peaked over the hilltop and just kissed the tops of the agaves we’d been waiting for. With the blue sky, clouds, and hills in the background, I thought it was worth it.

Oh, and just then, the wind stopped. It didn’t taper off slowly or gust a few final times — it just stopped. It wasn’t the best timing in the world — I mean, it could have stopped 9-hours earlier and we’d have been a lot happier — but we weren’t complaining. I changed into shorts and we lathered on the sunscreen, and we hopped in the truck and started down Fish Creek wash just before 8:00am, excited to see what the day had in store — starting with some amazing alluvial fanglomerate.

Having driven much of it the day before, we made quick work of Fish Creek, excited to see what lay ahead on Split Mountain Road, and whatever we’d choose to explore after that. And, it wasn’t long before we ran into our first opportunity to get out and explore.

We didn’t know what exactly we’d spotted since they were nearly a quarter mile off the road, but as we got closer, I realized that these were some mud caves! We’d not expected them here at all — though there was another trail where we planned to see some — and so we hopped around exploring for a good 15 minutes. Mud caves — as far as I can tell — are formed when water starts seeping down into a porous badland hill (for lack of a better term), and then exits somewhere lower down the hill — sometimes even on the opposite side of the hill. Over time, water flowing through this path excavates the dirt inside and it becomes a cave.

The “problem” is that you never really know where the excavations have happened underground — so walking around near any visible mud cave means that there’s a reasonable chance the the ground under you is hollow! I ran into this first hand as I nearly stepped on a few rocks embedded in the mud, before noticing that there was darkness below them — the rocks the only thing between me and a 8-foot drop into a mud cave.

Counting ourselves lucky to have found the mud caves and to have explored the area without incident, we made our way back to the truck and continued down the wash in our normal stop-and-go manner. With a beautiful morning like this, how could we not?

At points in the wash, the walls towered high — their grandness hard to capture without some point of reference. Our truck — dwarfed — perfect for that task.

And it was shortly after the high-towering walls that our day slowed down dramatically. It was still early at this point, mind you — around 9:30am — but we’d make it less than a couple miles down the road by 1:30pm, all the fault of cool things to explore. Life could be worse, I guess.

First up were the Elephant Knees. They were amazing — as was the rest of the day. Check it out in Anza-Borrego Part 4 — Elephant Knees, Wind Caves, and Dinosaurs!

Originally published at

