The De-Tour: Day 3 — Weather

Published in
3 min readMay 6, 2018

September 19, 2017.

Hoping the rain would stop, we all stayed in bed until 8:30am. Or at least, that’s why I stayed in bed — I’d later realize that 9am was the general wake-up time. Once again, morning provided a clearer view of our campsite as the rain let up slightly I headed out to take a look and get started on breakfast.

Next to the creek, everyone was dry in their tent — but Zane was clearly in need of a new rain fly.

Once again breakfast was sausage, eggs, and strawberries but on this morning I had the bright idea to cut down on dishes by cooking the sausage in the egg pan, and then scrambling the eggs in the sausage fat (rather than using butter).

It was a disaster. The sausage cooked just fine, but there wasn’t enough fat, and scrabling the eggs in the buterless pan just meant that the (sticky-from-protein) egg whites could stick to the pan before the yolks were mixed in.

Tastiness was reduced, and dishwashing time was at least doubled — which meant that by the time I was done, everyone else was up and had finished (or nearly) their breakfast. Smarter than me, they had no dishes to wash.

And then, the rain started turning to snow.

At first it was relatively light snow, but it was enough to get us all moving with the tents. They’d go away wet, but wet was better than snow-covered.

Within minutes, the snow picked up. By the time we pulled out of camp and got back on the road, it was thick and sticking. Monte’s warning in the prep-post was definitely coming true — it was gonna be cold!

Out of the woods, we headed for Roscoe. The snow stopped, but the adventure didn’t — keep reading the full two weeks at

Originally published at

