Introducing the Universe Fund

Adam justice
Published in
4 min readMar 9, 2021

The Universe Fund is a new TWA Fund based on the entire DeFi ecosystem, and it will be critical to all TWA funds in the future.

As the name implies the Universe Fund encompasses everything. The Universe Fund will start with a big bang and evolve over time to include the entire DeFi ecosystem.

To begin the Fund will start with what we call primitives. These are projects and their associated tokens that are the building blocks of DeFI (Money Lego). Primitives are the base layer of Defi which the majority of DeFI is ultimately built on.

The Universe Fund

Initial Universe Tokens are;

  • Aave- Aave
  • YFI-Yearn Finance
  • CRV- Curve Finance
  • SNX- Synthetics
  • Hegic- Hegic
  • BAL- Balancer
  • Weth- Wrapped Ethereum
  • TWA LP- Adventure Token

Each token represents a base layer finance application. These are the building blocks of DeFI.

The Universe Fund will feature prominently alongside the Luna Fund on the DeFi Dashboard

The Universe Fund contains more volatile tokens than the Luna Fund and a more aggressive fee structure. This will offer more opportunities for bots to use the fund to arbitrate these tokens and pay Universe Fund liquidity providers for the privilege.

We will offer a rewarding Yield Farm for Universe Fund so you can earn additional $TWA with your Verse SPT tokens. The Verse tokens will already be generating excellent rewards from fees and appreciation of base token prices. The Yield Farm makes this investment even more attractive.

Attractive yield farm rewards will incentivize liquidity and bootstrap the fund. The Universe Fund Yield Farm will run over a two year period.

The Universe Fund will taper down at two and six weeks with the last day of the period representing the new rate.

Evolution of the Universe Fund

After launch we will use the smart pool features to slowly evolve the profile of the Universe Fund. Universe Fund is a smart fund, so it will be represented as an SPT token, Verse SPT.

The primitives will each be moved out of the Universe Fund and into their own headline Fund, and that headline fund will replace that specific primitive.

So for example Aave will be moved to a new fund called the Solar Fund.

The Solar Fund will include other Money Market projects and tokens like the following;

  • Aave
  • Compound
  • Celsius
  • Cream
  • TWA LP
  • Balancer

Now that we have a Fund based on the lending characteristics of Aave we will replace Aave with the Solar Fund (Solar SPT) in the Universe Fund.

Once the replacement is complete your Verse token will represent exposure to not just Aave but also Compound, Celsius, Cream, TWA LP etc. We will also have an additional ETF based on DeFi lending projects, the Solar Fund, which will have its own yield farm to bootstrap liquidity.

The smart pool features will allow us to transfer investment out of Aave into other Universe Fund holdings, and then back into Solar SPT seamlessly.

The Universe Fund will evolve as the TWA ecosystem grows.

A very important aspect for investors to understand about the improved features of the smart pool is that we never have the ability to remove the funds, money or your tokens within it. We can only reallocate their value in this context.

We want to make it clear now this will happen to the initial Universe tokens. The Universe Fund is a fluid product much like the majority of mutual funds. Before we reallocate tokens within the fund we will give notice on our news channel and reallocation will follow over a two week period.

So, what’s the benefit to you as a Universe Fund investor? Like The Luna Fund investors will enjoy the appreciation of the tokens themselves, the fees and the Yield Farm rewards.

The exciting aspect of the Universe Fund is how it will become an ETF Fund of ETFs. You don’t have to do anything. You simply leave your investment in the Universe Fund SPT token and deposit the token into the associated yield farm. You will then become exposed to additional assets as we develop the TWA ecosystem without any additional gas fees. Each primitive will evolve into its own associated fund that will eventually encompass dozens of prominent and potentially lucrative investments.

All these Funds will contain TWA LP tokens which will be automatically traded every time an investor adds or removes liquidity or the fund rebalances, which in turn will burn tokens and reduce the supply of TWA. The ecosystem will offer more and more opportunities for arbitrage as it grows, exponentially increasing the mechanisms TWA was designed to take advantage of.

As the ecosystem grows investors will be offered new opportunities to choose which funds they want to invest in. If you are more interested in Options than DeFi as a whole you could move your investment from the Universe Fund to the fund that will eventually replace, and be headlined, by Hegic. You could also purchase additional TWA LP tokens and invest in both; the opportunities are limitless.

What About Luna Fund?

Luna Fund, an impressive fund made of prominent and large cap tokens, will continue to run with its Yield Farm for the remainder of the 2 years. It will eventually be cross linked into the Universe Fund as well.

To join the Universe Fund add liquidity here on release:

You will receive Universe Fund SPT tokens.


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