Roadside Attractions — American Kitsch

Josh Black
Adventurous Ramble
Published in
6 min readJun 9, 2023


Let’s talk road trips, interesting sights on American highways

On the road throughout the world, there are curious objects stationed on roadsides, in fields or parking lots. To some, they are works of art. To others these oddities are an eyesore. To each their own. Whether the object is worthy of the label, “art”, it will inspire an unplanned roadside pause to photograph the peculiar eye candy. Some may go so far as to pose aside the eye-catching object, commemorating, “that time we were driving from here to there and saw the giant jolly green giant or the smiling corn cob”. Whatever word comes to mind: garish, interesting, cool, surprising the artist made an impact.

One dreams what in the world inspired someone to make this sculpture. It is a question often discussed by fellow road warriors who intersect paths, one going to visit family, the other heading home after months on the road. It’s these little moments that knit our fascinating world together. Maybe that was the artist’s idea all along, create a conversation piece.

Here’s a short photo essay of such artifacts I’ve encountered over the years on North American road trips from here to there. Buckle up, let’s ride.

Spaceship — Wallace, ID

Driving east to west, stopping in a dinky Western Montana town to check out a book shop, a new read for the road was necessary. While ringing up my purchase, a Jules Verne pocket paperback, the proprietor asked where I was headed. She informed me about…



Josh Black
Adventurous Ramble

writer, traveler, music lover, California native living in Florida.