Wildland Firefighter: Adventurous Career Option

Harmion Morris
Published in
4 min readMay 29, 2017

Some occupations are meant for those who have the stomach to face challenges. If you are the one who hates a routine 9 to 5 job, and longs for an outdoor job, then you have to take a wildland fire-fighting job. The interesting thing about this job is that you will get used to facing challenges and problems in your life will seem dwarf to you. Moreover, the job will also provide you a hefty pay-check and immense satisfaction for saving environment, people, and livestock.

Wildland Firefighter: Adventurous Career Option

Since you will be fighting fire in remote areas, you have to be physically fit and hold good stamina. This is because when the need arises, you will be lifting and carrying heavy equipment on rough and unknown terrain. You will be working for long days and in hazardous conditions. Plus the area of fire would also be inaccessible, and to reach there you may have to cut down trees as well. However, one good thing about fire-fighting occupation is that you can enter it with just a high school diploma. Some federal and state agencies may ask for a fire-fighting certification though, which is good for you as it will ease the selection.

Requirements to become a Wildland Firefighters

The requirements to become a wildland firefighter will vary depending on where you are applying. In any case, a high school diploma is a prerequisite. Some state and federal agencies may also want to you to complete an associate degree in fire-fighting science, forestry, or natural resources. In addition, you need to complete written and physical test which the state or federal fire department will conduct. For written test, you have to answer 100 questions on diverse topics. This test is to check your general awareness, logical thinking, and mechanical reasoning. When you clear it, the next test will be to check your physical ability. This test is to check your endurance and ability to perform laborious work. You will be asked to complete a long walk in an hour by carrying a minimum weight of 50 pounds. The area selected for this test will be a rough terrain. When you have completed both the tests successfully, you have to take fire-fighting training and obtain a Red Card Certification.

Job Duties of Wildland Firefighters

Though instances of wildfires happen rarely or seasonally, wildland fighters have to be always ready to combat it. It is their duty to control and stop the fire from spreading. When fighting wildfires in woodland, they have to lift and carry heavy equipment. They work in a team and perform specific tasks as per their expertise, training, and experience. For example, an entry-level wildland firefighter will perform the job of arranging equipment and making the base from where the fire can be accessed, ready for the experienced one. Whereas, the experienced fire-fighters or smoke jumpers will handle the task of reaching difficult or inaccessible areas with the use of helicopters and parachutes.

Other common duties when fighting wildfires are:

  • Cutting down trees for suppressing fires and making access easy
  • Performing activities to arrest fire and reducing fuel for the fire
  • Operating hoses and pumps for spraying water and chemical
  • Studying fire weather and physical features of the area caught by fire
  • Building makeshift spots for helicopters to land
  • Analysing and anticipating fire behaviour

Job Outlook for Wildland Firefighters

Wildland fire-fighters are hired by Forest Service Bureau of Land Management, Bureau of Indian Affairs, National Park Service, U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Emergency Services, Fish and Game, and Fire and Rescue. Employment is also available with local agencies in cities where a large chunk of area within the city is covered by woodland. The employment would be for year-around or seasonal, which means the wildland fire-fighters will work only during the time when the probability of wildfire breaking out is high.

According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, opportunity for prospective wildland fire-fighters is slated to grow at an average rate of 5 percent from 2014 to 2024.

Salary of Wildland Firefighters

Payscale.com has projected the median annual salary of wildland fire-fighters in the range of $33000 to $102,000. The huge difference in the salary figure is because each state pays differently. For example, a wildland firefighter in Florida earns almost half of what he does in California. Even the work-hour differs as per the state. In some states, they would work for 24 hours a day and take off for two or three days. Whereas, in other states, they would work for 10 hours and take 14 hours off.

With minimal education requirement, easy-entry, good salary, and impressive job prospect, huge opportunities await for prospective wildland fire-fighters. If you are an adventure freak and want to turn your hobby into a career, then join the wildland fire-fighters force and feel proud of contributing your part for the country.

