The Importance of Server Activity

Stephen S
Advertise Your Server
4 min readOct 9, 2021
A crowd of people cheering.
Photo by dasha shchukova on Unsplash

Hey guys, it is time to bring up the AYS newsletter! Today we are going to be looking at how to increase the activity of your server and get your members engaged in your server’s community.

Benefits from having a positive activity

There are a lot of benefits that you get from having an active community, these include having an increase in server growth, the more active your server can be, the higher the chance will be for people who just joined to be staying in your server, as well as many more. The result will be an increase in the base population of members and new members will be more willing to join in the chat which leaves a good impression on your server. When it comes to new members, activity is more than half the battle. If a member joins to see an inactive, dead server, they are much more likely to leave.

The other benefit of a server staying active is wider community engagement, if each of the members interact with each other then there will be a greater chance of them knowing each other, which will bring up the community engagement.

You can be the major contributor in achieving a positive server activity

It’s not relying on active chat members that makes the server alive, this includes you! Being active yourself can help to shape the overall picture of the server. After all, a new member is more than likely to find an active owner and stay!

The tip here is: Stay as active as possible, engage with the members, get to know them, and make them comfortable!

Remember! Activity starts with you!

Things that you can do to increase your server activity:

There are a lot of different things that you can do to make your server as active as possible. One of the things here is hosting active events, this can be anything you want, whether it is related to your theme or not, as long as the members are happy! You can make it more competitive and engaging by hosting tournament events of a game, quizzes, you name it! Remember to include a prize for the winner! (Remember for prizes: You don’t need to have anything of monetary value, typically some in server currency, maybe a role for people who have won events, or for larger more complex events, a custom role, all work just fine! You also don’t have to give an award for every single event.)

Another thing that you can do is host giveaways, it doesn’t need to be money based giveaways, it can be a bot currency (such as the dank memer currency), special server roles, or even a server shoutout!

Some of the other things that you can do:

  • Quote of the Day (QOFD)
  • Question of the Day (QOTD)
  • Random topic discussions
  • Advertising your server on a listing server (AYS is a great server to advertise yours! Check out the link below!)
  • Counting
  • Introduce Yourself

Really, there are three main things to remember about making your server active.

  1. It starts with YOU! You (the owner, admin, etc) have to be active, while it’s not impossible, servers with inactive owners are rarely active.
  2. Engagement is key! Anything you can do to engage with the community, and get the community engaged is helpful. As suggested, events are a great way to do this. We also have a ebook on events if you want to check it out
  3. It takes time! Many people get discouraged when activity doesn’t improve quickly. The truth is, it won’t, it takes time and effort to build a strong and active community.

A quick tip for all of you wanting to grow your server as fast as possible naturally, join Advertise Your Server (AYS) and advertise your server on there! If you have not joined yet please do so, we not only have advertising but have growth experts to help assess your server and advertisements to help even more!. A link will be provided below.

AYS Main Discord:

Have a bot you want to advertise? Join Advertise Your Bot (AYB)!

Need some more specialised help with your game server? Advertise Your Games (AYG) has Games Growth Experts who specialise in that, as well as dedicated ad channels!

Or maybe you wanna advertise on more than just Discord, maybe the AYS Subreddit is for you!

Thank you for your time and see you all next week!

This article was written by Courier a member of our Journalism Team. If you’d like to join you can apply at would love to have you on our team.

Edited by Stephen, Chief Marketing Officer
Edited by Cailee, AYS Social Media Personnel



Stephen S
Advertise Your Server

The Chief Marketing Officer of the AYS Network since August 2020!