The New Reddit

Advertise Your Server
2 min readOct 1, 2021
Photo by Erik Mclean on Unsplash

Before I start, you are still able to vote on our weekly poll here:

Over the past few months, we have seen Reddit be more of a place where people can advertise a whole range of online communities, mostly Discord servers so we’ve decided to make r/AdvertiseYourServer a place for all communities, not just Subreddits as that is what you guys want.

Over the past week, our team has been working very hard to give our Reddit community a brand new experience. Although most of the changes we’ve made are just minor updates on existing ideas, they’re still changes we’d like to share with everyone.

To start, we have a bunch of new rules for everybody. We detail some guidelines and prohibited services and clarify where to find certain things on our subreddit. This is a significant improvement compared to our old rules, and we hope everyone can understand everything clearly.

Next, we went ahead and made sure a lot of content was clear to our users. Our team noticed some removal reasons or bans weren’t clear enough, so we’ve gone back and looked through everything (yes, everything). This also includes the organization of post flairs and reducing the number of user flairs we have.

Other minor adjustments we’ve made are behind the scenes, such as our auto moderator system and permission setups. Though our subreddit might look the same, there is still new content for you to visit. We hope you enjoy!

AYR Community Manager

