Snickers Now Does More Than Solve Your Hunger Problems

Reily Fay
Advertising’s Not Dead
4 min readMay 27, 2019

Have you ever forgotten something really important? Important enough that you would rather give up your right hand than face the consequences for forgetting?

We’ve all been there right?

During the month of love, over half the American population (62% to be exact) celebrate Valentine’s Day. Ironically this holiday has found itself hated almost, if not more, than it is loved. Those who continually participate in the festivities spend about 19.6 billion dollars on candy, cards, dates, and flowers in concerted efforts to properally show their love.

But, of the millions of people who truly do want to celebrate, a shocking number of people forget about it all together. A few years back, I was dating someone over Valentine’s Day, and he forgot all about the holiday. The whole day went by, pictures all over Instagram of cute couples holding their chocolate and teddy bears, and the kid couldn’t even remember to send me a text message. How tender, right?

I broke up with him days later, but granted, these things happen all the time. People are people, and they will forget.

Fortunately, for the souls who had the gall to forget to make reservations during one of the most important date-nights of the year, there is one company that had their backs. This past Valentine’s Day, Snickers decided to do the unthinkable: cater to the most absent-minded of their customers with the creation of their, “You’re forgetful when you’re hungry” campaign.

In London, England, Snickers parked a small brown van on the street, which broadcasted an offer, forgetful lovers couldn’t pass up.

It read, “Need a table for tonight?” and, below the slogan, various reservation cards were available for those in desperate need of a table. Each card had a time of arrival, along with directions to Snickers’ one-night, pop-up restaurant, “Oublie,” which translated, from French, means “forgotten.”

Not to mention, it just so happened to be catered by one of London’s top chefs.

The experience included a three-course meal that ended with a cup of coffee and — of course — a Snickers bar.

Snickers is well-known for their wildly hilarious commercials depicting ordinary men turning into divas and women turning into monsters, all reminding us that “You’re not you when you’re hungry.” What makes their tagline and featured campaign so powerful is that it gives Snickers room to declare that they are here to satisfy that hangry spirit that resides in us all.

And, trust us, it does reside in us all.

However, with this campaign, Snickers actually turned their words into something physically tangible. They placed themselves in the shoes of men and women who do care deeply, but couldn’t keep an organized planner or whose busy week got the better of them.

Snickers was there for them in person, and not just through a candy bar. When their customers needed something to satisfy their hunger, Snickers took it a step further and satisfied their memories.

When a brand can transcend what we want and give us what we need (when we need it), it then creates brand advocates, instead of plain customers — the former of which is far more powerful.

I wish more companies had my back like this. Many companies claim to have your back, but oftentimes their actions say otherwise, like insurance companies whom require you to be within a certain mile-radius when your car breaks down to receive help, or phone companies like Apple who have admitted to slowing down older models of their phones to force consumers to buy newer models.

Snickers, however, set the bar (pun intended) high when concerning dependability this past Valentine’s Day. They found a way to save many from selling their souls for a reservation at one of the finest restaurants in London, thus turning what could have been a horrific night for some, into one that neither Valentine would ever forget.

And, to be completely truthful, with a top chef and adventure in the making, that’s a better date-night than many people who did remember to make a reservation probably had.

So, Snickers, thank you for being there for us. Thank you for being a brand we can depend on, and a brand we can trust.

But, most importantly, thank you for realizing and understanding a common human truth, “You’re Not You, When You’re Forgetful.”

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Reily Fay
Advertising’s Not Dead

Graduate and writer from North Carolina State University constantly looking for platforms to share interests and experiences with the world.