Build Your Own Portfolio

How to Make the Most of Your Money — in Under 20 Minutes.

Rachel Fox
3 min readJun 29, 2019


Follow Feed: 1st Tool You Need to Get Invested

Similar to a Twitter feed or an Instagram feed, Follow Feed consolidates all the important stock/coin related events and data into a single updating feed.

Follow Feed allows you to flick through the news feed of recent activity to get a feel for the market and your watch list.

Your feed is completely customizable — simply ‘follow’ your chosen stocks and coins to include them in your feed.

Follow Feed info includes company earnings report announcements, dividend announcements, social commentary from other investors, stock price breakout alerts, company mentions in the news, stock order book info, increases in average daily trading volume, and more.

You can download the standalone Follow Feed app in the app store or use the Follow Feed tool at

Risk Precedes Growth

Risk is a key to financial stability. It’s an unintuitive idea, but avoiding all risk is as toxic as taking on too much risk. Not only is risk non-linear but it’s unavoidable. Risk in life and in finance is an unavoidable chasm that all of us eventually face. Going out of your way to avoid risk can be more harmful to your stability and your financial well being then controlled exposure to risk. Embracing risk means embracing growth. Resisting all risk means throwing out the good with your rejection of the bad. Risk, stress, and instability are all the forces change that fuel us to grow. Making friends with your fear and anxiety is how we grow emotionally and intellectually. And it’s a key to growing financially, too.

Slight Edge

The risk-safety ratio isn’t a linear relationship. Decreasing your exposure to risk after a certain point becomes measurably more dangerous. It’s all about finding the sweet spot, the right balance of exposure to risk and protection from it. A little poison, a little medicine — this is how to become financially robust, or even better: financially antifragile. Avoiding all financial risk is risking poverty. Investing your own money first hand is one of the best ways to gain experience, independence, and to acquire a slight edge. Our disposition toward risk is what fuels our growth. With time, practice, and the right tools, it’s possible to reframe the relationship you have with risk so that risk is no longer a threat to you, but instead a grounding force — a stabilizing force in your life and in your finances.

Patterns of Information

It’s important to note, when taking on financial risk, one needs the right analysis tools and frameworks for making sense of stock market noise. From technical charts to order book flows to balance sheets to level two quotes to stock market forums, investor channels and communities — the art of investing is about simplifying. It’s about taking in more information than you ever thought you’d realistically need, and focusing in, narrowing it all down in search of trends, patterns, and ways to connect the dots to draw conclusions. It’s about distilling down all the 24/7 market data, then separating out the important signal from the unimportant noise. It’s about paying attention to the right information, then taking action without hesitation when opportunity presents itself.

The tool listed above, Follow Feed, has been one of my favorites for simplifying and organizing stock market information flow. The tutorial explains how it works. Above all, it’s a tool anyone can pick up and start using immediately for evaluating investments, no matter your level of expertise and no matter your investment strategy.

Many Happy Returns,

The Fox on Stocks



Rachel Fox

Actress turned investor. Publishing content on financial literacy, how to invest & the economy | Get Invested.