Be On Time For A Date, Or Cancel The Day Before.

Anonymous Author
Advice for Women from a Guy
2 min readFeb 1, 2020

She was beautiful, well-endowed, and in great shape. Also, she didn’t speak a word of English and she was energetic in bed.

For our fourth date, I planned for her to come over and we would make dinner together. We made plans and I cleared food with her, and we scheduled that evening out.

I bought the groceries, brought them to my house, and started preparing them. Mmm, delicious salmon.

When the designated time rolled around, she wasn’t here. I thought, “I’ll wait another five minutes.” After five minutes, I texted her asking “are you on your way?”

She was more than an hour away and would not be making it to dinner with me.

I understand that she has a kid, but it would have been respectful of my time and money if she had at least the courtesy to text me an hour before, and tell me she could not be there.

I didn’t like hearing that she was cancelling on me, after our arranged time, and after I had already cooked dinner for her.

Two days later, we had planned to meet up again at my house at the same time. Again, no show, no text.

I have avoided talking to her, because I respect myself and I won’t be around people who don’t respect my time.

I had been taught in high school that some cultures are polychronic. As in, someone will schedule a soccer game for two O’clock, and players won’t actually start showing up until around 5.

That is all fine in other countries, but in America it is incredibly rude to be late or just not show up altogether.

So remember: if you want a guy to like you, be on time or call ahead to say that you are late or cancelling.

If you really want to hurt him, to the point that he hates you forever, then go ahead and be rude. Don’t show up, and don’t call to cancel ahead of time. That’s called being a flake and standing someone up. It is always hurtful, no matter your excuse.

