Don’t Cancel A Date Just To See How He Reacts

Anonymous Author
Advice for Women from a Guy
1 min readFeb 1, 2020

I just saw a trending tweet. The woman said, “You can dodge a bullet by cancelling your first date and seeing how he reacts.”

She posted the guy’s response. He was understandably upset, he had already showered and gotten ready and here she was blowing him off.

First of all, if you do this to men just to see how they react, you do not respect men, and men, as a result, will not respect you.

Second, have a little empathy. Wouldn’t you be upset and disappointed after, having showered and dressed and spent time on your “date night” makeup, the man you are so interested in meeting texts you and cancels?

Wouldn’t you feel like shit? Wouldn’t you wonder what you did wrong? Men have feelings too. Don’t treat us like brick walls, up against which you can throw your shit.

Second, a man’t best response to this is to put it back into your court. “Ok no problem. Let me know when you’re free.”

In my experience, most women are not assertive enough to follow through and ask the guy out again. So no matter how you slice it, you lose the guy. Being that your goal is to date a man, fall in love, and get married and have kids… you might want to treat him well. Just saying.

