How To Be The Woman Every Man Wants

Anonymous Author
Advice for Women from a Guy
4 min readFeb 1, 2020

I often post negative stuff on here, talking about my problems with dating.

I actually learned a framework years ago for what women want a man to do, and it has been very helpful for me. I thought I might provide a similar framework, from my own perspective:

  1. Encourage him.

Tell him you believe in him, and that you are impressed with the things about him that you would like to see improved. Like if you want him to earn more money, don’t criticize him. Instead , every single time he brings a dollar into the house, praise him to high heaven. People react to that stuff, and sure enough, once he feels he has support at home he will feel more motivated to get you more money in the world.

2. Wait for a while to have sex.

Maybe like 2 months would do it. I find that if I have sex with a woman too early, it cuts off romantic feelings that would have grown otherwise. Just tell him at the beginning that you want to wait a bit because you have had your heart broken in the past. If he is a good guy and he really likes you, he will be willing to wait.

3. Listen.

Be interested in him and what he’s interested in. Even if you don’t understand his hobbies/job/friends, you can ask him about them, remember what he says, and ask later to follow up. People feel really really good when they feel like they can share their story with another person. Strangely enough, this kind of connection leads to the best sex. A man will be more vulnerable with you physically if he feels connected to you emotionally.

4. Have sex with him a lot.

For me, 1–2 times a week is fine. Also, I absolutely love it when my partner asks if we can try something. It makes me feel like she is engaged, like she wants me as badly as I want her. (Note: it is really important to find a partner whose sex drive matches yours)

5. Call him sexy a lot.

Make sure he knows that you are just as interested in having sex with him as he is with you. Talk dirty to him sometimes. Text him how badly you want to be under him right now. A man wants you to be dirty, but only with him.

6. Be nice.

Smile. Give compliments. Having a woman compliment us really makes us feel good. Having a woman yell at us, especially someone we love and have opened our heart to, does the opposite.

7. Have an interesting hobby. It’s not very interesting to date a woman whose only interests are makeup, fashion, and clubbing. Get into something unexpected, like arc welding or fly fishing.

8. Be in shape. I hate to say this, because it’s so shallow, but body health plays a huge role in how a man feels about you. A man can be in love with you one day, and fall out of love with you at 20 lbs heavier. I suppose it could be similar to this: you date a young rich guy with a nice car who seems like he’s really going places. Shortly after you start dating, he starts smoking weed. He quits his job, sells his car, and starts delivering pizzas for pizza hut. Would that change how you feel about him?

As for men, we feel based on what we see. A man wants to look at his woman and feel like he’s in love with a gorgeous angel. If you have trouble staying in shape, try reading a book called “mini-habits”, but only listen to its advice on habits and ignore everything it says about nutrition.

9. Don’t complain. Be positive. Laugh often. Smile often. A man wants to be with a woman who lifts him up, not a woman who brings him down. I once dated a girl in college. She was beautiful, always laughing and smiling, and really friendly to everyone. As a result, she had a TON of guys after her. Guys want a bouy that floats to lift them up, not an achor that they have to pull up. If you have trouble with this, I suggest getting into meditation. It really helps people feel much happier.

10. Make him feel like you would love him and stay with him even if he were broke and living in a cardboard box (even if it’s not true). If a guy thinks you would abandon him for another rich guy, he won’t trust you and will come to resent you. He won’t feel any loyalty from you, because he knows you just want his money. And if he doesn’t have any loyalty from you, he won’t have any loyalty toward you… and guess what happens when you both get older and some hot young gold digger comes along?

This might turn into a two-part thing. We’ll see.

