I Get Catfished: Here’s How I Handle It

Anonymous Author
Advice for Women from a Guy
1 min readOct 14, 2019

I have no idea why people do this. They think that by lying to you about their appearance, they might somehow get someone more attractive? It makes zero sense to me. But people do it anyways.

I’ve been catfished probably 3 times, and each time I felt forced into an uncomfortable date after, just to be polite. I mean, I’m not going to bug out on someone for being unattractive to me. I don’t want to seem shallow.

So. Here is how you avoid the awkwardness of having a date with someone who has catfished you. Say the following to them, word for word:

“Can I be honest with you?”

Wait for their response.

“When I saw your profile photos online, I felt an attraction to you that I’m not feeling now. It’s your choice whether or not to continue this date.”

This is polite, yet firm. You don’t want to reward them for lying to you, by giving them your time and energy. That is exactly why they lied in the first place. Good luck, and I hope that helps.

