How To Dress To Attract Men

Anonymous Author
Advice for Women from a Guy
3 min readOct 7, 2017

I know you spend a lot of time following the latest fashions, buying outfits, and figuring out what to wear. I thought I would give some tips as to what men see when they look at you, so you can get better results with less work. So, first things first.

The better you dress, the more attractive you will be to a man. Right?


Dressing well does NOT make a woman more attractive to men. Men who dress well are much more attractive to women, but the reverse isn’t true. Men will think an attractive woman is attractive no matter what she’s wearing. Whether a woman is wearing jeans and a t-shirt or a five thousand dollar dress, I will find her equally sexy. If a woman is really hot, she could be wearing a paper bag and I would still ask her out.

Sometimes dressing too well can even work against you: if I see a woman wearing flashy high-fashion clothes, I will assume she is really into herself and how she looks. I will assume she is shallow and high-maintenance, and she will spend all my money. None of these things are desirable in a partner, and I would not approach a woman like that.

If you want to look good (not just for men, but from an aesthetic standpoint) there are more effective things you can do than dressing fashionably. No matter what your body type, eating healthy and lifting weights will be more effective at attracting men than the best makeup and the most fashionable clothes. You can put $2,000 hubcaps on a $500 car, but it won’t make that car look any better.

How, then, should we dress? I’d say dress comfortably. Your body and your face should be what draws attention, and not what you’re wearing. I mentioned in a previous post the marketing axiom, “a confused mind always says no.” So make sure your clothes (and accessories) leave no doubt as to your body shape, particularly your breasts, butt, and waist. Don’t wear flowy clothes that hide your body, because I guarantee no one will hit on you. If you wear something long and flowy that covers up everything, I probably won’t take the risk to approach you. It’s scary to ask someone out, it takes a lot of effort to go on a date and make small talk with a stranger, and I would be very disappointed if someone I asked out turns out to not be my “type.”

So. In conclusion: To a guy, it doesn’t matter how you dress, just make sure your clothes leave no doubt as to your body shape, particularly your waist, butt, and breasts (your ACTUAL size, not what the padded bras do for you). Don’t dress flashy or super fashionable, it screams “I’m high-maintenance and I will spend all your money.” It’s kind of a turn-off, and it honestly doesn’t make you any more attractive. Give it a shot, dress to show how you really are, and see if you get the response you want. You can do this, I believe in you :)

