If you are looking for a serious relationship, you should not be looking on Tinder.

Anonymous Author
Advice for Women from a Guy
1 min readFeb 3, 2020

I had the following conversation with a woman I was seeing:

Her: “My younger cousin told me she’s on Tinder, and she’s complaining because none of the guys want a relationship, they only want sex.”

Me: “Umm she’s on Tinder. Everybody knows Tinder is for hookups.”

Her: “I know, right???”

And yet… about half the profiles I see on Tinder say “Looking for something serious” or “No hookups.” I’ve even seen profiles where the woman is almost nude and her profile says “no hookups.”

Going on tinder and saying you don’t want to hook up is like going to a vegan restaurant and telling them you don’t want any vegan food.

You may be looking for something real, but I guarantee 100% of the guys on Tinder are looking for fast sex.

If you want a real relationship, go where other people look for real relationships, like eHarmony or Okcupid, or in real life (just not at a bar).

