Tips For Profile Pictures on Dating Apps

Anonymous Author
Advice for Women from a Guy
2 min readAug 20, 2017

Ok, let’s talk about profile pictures, the ones you see on Tinder, Bumble, OKCupid, etc.

  1. Make sure one of your profile pics shows your whole body and not just your face. No matter your body type, at least one guy finds it attractive, but he won’t go on a date with you unless he gets the full picture. It’s a marketing principle that “The confused mind always says no.” If a guy is confused as to how you actually look, he won’t take the risk of bringing you on a date.
  2. Make sure your profile pictures depict you as you actually look, currently, in real life. It is heartbreaking for a guy to get all excited about this hot, sexy, beautiful young woman he met online, build up excitement all week, plan his outfit, plan the dinner, plan what questions he’s going to ask based on her profile, and then show up to meet a woman he has no physical attraction to. It’s crushing and causes a guy to, at least temporarily, lose hope. He thought you could be the one he’s been waiting for, the woman of his dreams, and he found out you are just another disappointment. You didn’t just deceive him, you crushed his hope of ever finding someone he loves, at least for a few days. Don’t pick your hottest pictures that get the most likes on facebook and show you in the best light. Pick ones that show you as you actually are. Your goal isn’t to get to the first date: your goal is to find a loving companion who you can share your life with. You will never, ever get beyond the first date if your pictures are inaccurate. In fact, of the few times I actually ended up dating women long-term that I met on the internet, both times they actually looked the same as or better in person than their profile pictures.
  3. Don’t post pictures of yourself in lingerie or showing off your boobs or your butt and then say “Not here for just sex, no hookups.” That’s pretty confusing to a guy. You’re showing off your body in an obvious attempt to attract men solely on the basis of sex appeal. But then you’re surprised when a man wants to have sex with you on the first date? That makes no sense to us.

Follow the above rules, and you’ll do just fine :)

